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liverchip 02-05-2007 08:35 PM

Swag suggestion
I have ordered some swag and love the passage. May I suggest some smaller sizes we can stick on our bikes?

ambassador 02-05-2007 09:06 PM

Helmet size!!!!

IronFist 05-02-2008 07:30 PM

I've put this off for a while but here it goes. I don't know how much it would cost to get some chinarider patches made up, I would buy one for my jacket. Something like the award of excellence, I never got, in elementary school fitness tests. Not too big, not too fancy, not too expensive. I think a trophy store up my street does patches/badges for sports clubs. Better than the Tshirts Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group that I belong to sells. :? I'll try to get a price.

AZ200cc 05-02-2008 07:42 PM

How about a sticker that says

*Falling parts may damage windshield* :D
Ok not that good but i tried :cry:

SpeedSouth 05-02-2008 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by AZ200cc
How about a sticker that says

*Falling parts may damage windshield* :D
Ok not that good but i tried :cry:

Maybe just a little tweaking would help...

"Falling parts may damage rice bowl!" 8O :D

AZ200cc 05-02-2008 07:52 PM

Better not damage my rice bowl :x !!!! It's the only one I have :P

TeamCheap 05-02-2008 07:57 PM

I had 500 address stickers made and stuck one to every part so they can be returned to me when found.

The sticker that I always think fits these bikes perfect is the oldy but goody "I may be slow but I'm ahead of you" needs to be stuck on the back some where though.

IronFist 05-02-2008 08:24 PM

:lol: That's just funny :lol:

TeamCheap 05-02-2008 08:33 PM

Or how about twisting this one from :
"back off or I'll flick a booger at you"

Change it to :
"back off or I'll flick a part at you"

SpeedSouth 05-02-2008 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by TeamCheap
I had 500 address stickers made and stuck one to every part so they can be returned to me when found.

The sticker that I always think fits these bikes perfect is the oldy but goody "I may be slow but I'm ahead of you" needs to be stuck on the back some where though.'s funny, until they just run you over from behind. Nobody wants to get all jacked up by a yellow Prius! 8O

IronFist 05-02-2008 08:52 PM

I guess it's no on the Chinarider patch. :?

katoranger 05-02-2008 08:54 PM

I might go for a chinarider patch.

Get a cost on them. I am sure they would want a minimum order.


ambassador 05-02-2008 09:13 PM

I still think a helmet sticker would be the way to go and I'm sure it would be cheaper than patches, JMO...

katoranger 05-02-2008 09:15 PM

Stickers are good too.

Helmet size is better, but the larger ones work good to hold parts on.


ambassador 05-02-2008 09:24 PM


Helmet size is better, but the larger ones work good to hold parts on.

Or to cover/tape the mouth of someone who is bashing your China bike...

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