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katoranger 05-02-2008 12:39 PM

How to deal with problem posters.
If someone starts ranting or getting out hand just ignore it their comments and post to the related topic with a civil attitude.

There has been a rash of problems and many threads have been locked and a few people banned lately and no one really wants this.

It all comes down to the "If you can't say something good, don't say anything at all."


culcune 05-02-2008 12:50 PM

C'mon, responding to rants and raves is our given right--it's in our blood. If we can't rant and rave on Chinariders, then what is the world coming to. Living in the US, I have the right to rant and rave and own guns because I am a US citizen. The internet was created by Al Gore for the purpose of communicating and ranting and raving, especially off-topic because we all know that Obama might win and Clinton will be sad, and so will McCain and so will every US citizen, the greatest people on earth since sliced bread we are, and we have the biggest military and are the mightiest people in the world, and we shouldn't be at war in Iraq.

OK, I get the message, does everyone else? :?

katoranger 05-02-2008 12:54 PM

Please understand that some comments are okay, but its when it starts to get aimed at certain members and then those 2-3 take over the thread that it becomes a problem.

Usually its the same member(s). Sometimes using an alias. Hint Hint.


SpeedSouth 05-02-2008 01:30 PM

This appears to be a good place to express my opinion on the matter...

I fully understand the desire to keep things on topic and under control, however, I would prefer people are given the chance to control themselves, rather than just locking up a thread.

Don't get me wrong, I know some controls are needed. I know some people will never control themselves, and I understand that bickering and arguments hurt the site as a whole. However, I also think it's easy to get a little over zealous in trying to keep these things to a minimum.

I guess my point here is that I'd rather some repeat offenders are dealt with in private whenever possible so as to not make it more of an issue than it already has been.

I appreciate the difficulty in keeping order on any forum and do not envy those who are charged with keeping a happy balance. I may not always agree with what's done, but I will make the effort to not make it more difficult.

This is not my sandbox, but I do enjoy playing here. :)

TeamCheap 05-02-2008 01:43 PM

The rants and such will usually run their course and burn out in time.
I know I have to bite my tongue
9well fingers) on forums a lot and even then I can get in and mix it up but I will in a short time also just turn my back on the ranting and move.(must be my age)

To be honest after a post, any post gets past about 5 pages I feel it has pretty much run its course and has gotten just to large to bother with.

What alias, I knew who that was in about 3 seconds of seeing the first "comeback" post. :lol: :lol: :lol: I didnt even need to verify an I P address.
Kind of like a rabid dog that sadly just needs to be put down.

AZ200cc 05-02-2008 01:58 PM

It's hard to argue with a person who will not argue back...Hard sometimes though if a person really gets under Your skin :?

TeamCheap 05-02-2008 02:01 PM


It's hard to argue with a person who will not argue back...
That is true.

Death85e 05-02-2008 02:46 PM

:( ok...ok i will attempt to keep my posts on topic and prevent any agitation of others on these forums....please just dont tell anyone i will be nice!!! it would really damage my image of being such an a**h**e! 8O. ( I hate when that happens) :D

IronFist 05-02-2008 03:01 PM

culcune: I'm stil laughing :lol:

SpeedSouth: This is your sandbox. Enjoy/ Play!

In an attempt to keep the forum informative Frostbite took steps by getting moderators to help him. I don't like to lock anything, but when a member who I call an elder of this site, PM's me to lock something, I lock it. :wink: I have no problem taking the advice of someone who knows more than I do, or has been here longer. My profile says PM me for help, and I don't mean for bike questions, I mean if I can do anything to help make the site better. That goes for any member. There have been new members coming from other sites that took a while to fit in, they got warnings, and they changed, and now they are really good members. I never shut down anyone I wasn't told to. JMHO, when a site is signing up more than 5 new people every day, it's going to have growing pains. I try to remember that there is good and bad to being bigger. :D

Rizn 05-02-2008 03:17 PM

I agree 100% with culcune, there is enough rules and regulations, except when direct name calling is involved, that should not be allowed, but only if its not funny, laughter is the best medicine :lol:

panamarandy 05-02-2008 03:21 PM

I agree also.

IronFist 05-02-2008 03:32 PM

I think that's what I just said :? , but if you think someone goes too far then Please PM me. that's all/

Rizn 05-02-2008 04:00 PM

10-4 :oops:

liverchip 05-02-2008 04:45 PM

My my, the site is getting popular now isn't it.

IronFist 05-02-2008 05:14 PM

My math isn't that great but I work it out to be well over 100 new members a month. 150 maybe? It's a rare day when only 4 people join. Thats a lot of opinions flying around, and a lot of personalities clashing. A thread can grow several pages in 1 day, and as fast as a page an hour. It's not that things can get out of hand with tempers flying, it's how fast it can can happen. JMO.

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