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FMYStreetRacer 02-03-2007 03:53 PM

train tracks
a few guys around here were walking around in the woods and found some place where some Koresians stayed. i decidded to take the train tracks from my house to there. here's some pics and video.

there is a golf course/comunity built around the tracks. when golfing you actually have to cross the tracks to get to the other side of the course.

can't really see it here but there is a gold cart going across the tracks. plus you can kinda get an idea what i was riding through.

a bridge after i had already crossed it.

east view off the bridge

west view off the bridge

from here i got to corkscrew rd. i turned left in the grass and went down a little trail. i saw what looked like an opening to go into the field but at the last second i had to lay on the brakes cause there was a down barb wire fence. i didn't want any flats so i figured this was the end. i was back on the tracks and then saw the tops of the house's.

after taking that pic i saw some bumbs come walking out from under the bridge onto the track. i must have woke them up while i was taking the pics off the bridge. there was two of them and i was by myself so i figured it was smarter to head back to corkscrew. i hit corkscrew and went to 41 to broadway and went back to the tracks. on the way back home i had to hit my favorite water crossing. i think this is part of the 10 mile canal.

i wanted a vid of me going through this so i set the phone up across the bridge and got some vid of myself going through the crossing. it's hard to tell by the video but there is a decent current. as you can see the water is almost as deep at the crossing as my front tire (21" rim).

ambassador 02-03-2007 04:42 PM

Pretty Cool, must admit it is nice to be able to ride yearound..

FMYStreetRacer 02-03-2007 05:20 PM

yeah it's pretty nice. i was going to go to east bonita tonight but it's too cold to be on the bike tonight. going to be in the low 50's here. i think i'm going to head out to the street races tonight since i haven't been since i took the turbo off my car. hopefully people don't releize i don't have the turbo on any more and are still scared of it like the last time i took it off for a little while.

blimpman 02-03-2007 08:18 PM

So how was the water crossing? You *did* ride across that creek, right? :)

culcune 02-03-2007 09:29 PM

Looks like a fun place to ride. Kinda reminds me of the Stephen King movie, "Stand by Me" Did you see any dead bodies? (Just kidding--I really need to take my meds!!!!!)

FMYStreetRacer 02-03-2007 09:33 PM

there is a video of me crossing the creek at the very bottom.

no dead bodies as of now, i might go back tomorrow though.

culcune 02-03-2007 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by FMYStreetRacer
yeah it's pretty nice. i was going to go to east bonita tonight but it's too cold to be on the bike tonight. going to be in the low 50's here. i think i'm going to head out to the street races tonight since i haven't been since i took the turbo off my car. hopefully people don't releize i don't have the turbo on any more and are still scared of it like the last time i took it off for a little while.

It's ironic; I used to have a mildly modified '93 Mustang GT--pretty fast, great times at 120+ mph, etc. etc. But these little 200cc bikes with their "beefy"sounds are just as fun in a different kind of way. They have no speed for the most part, but it's almost like they are in their own sort of dimension; you don't worry about the traffic around you (as long as they are not tailgaiting you) and you just cruise around and go where you want: or at least think that you can (I found out the hard way)

FMYStreetRacer 02-03-2007 10:01 PM

yeah i to own a decent little car (12.2 in the 1/4) and yet i still find my slow little Roketa a blast. i drive it more than my car as well. :D

Roketarider 02-04-2007 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by FMYStreetRacer
yeah i to own a decent little car (12.2 in the 1/4) and yet i still find my slow little Roketa a blast. i drive it more than my car as well. :D

I feel the same way. I own a 05 Pontian GTO with a few bolt-ons and an 06 Yamaha R6, and I seem to pick the Roketa to ride more often, haha.

Akonababe 02-04-2007 01:34 PM

Cool pics and I like the describtions as well. Also the ride across the creek good video considering you were by yourself. MOre fun.

frostbite 02-04-2007 01:53 PM

Good pics. It look nice and warm there *sigh*.

blimpman 02-04-2007 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by FMYStreetRacer
there is a video of me crossing the creek at the very bottom.

no dead bodies as of now, i might go back tomorrow though.

Cripes, I missed that . Sorry. Get yourself a helmet cam. That would be fun to watch. I am in the market for one right now.

FMYStreetRacer 02-04-2007 03:07 PM

thanks for the nice comments eveyone.

Fristbite, it's actually a little cold here, well to me anyways. it's been in the 60's during the day. at night it's in the 40's. needless to say i only ride for a couple hours a day. i know that's not as cold as Canada, but to me it's cold. :oops:

blipman a helmet cam would be awsome. a friend to ride with would be even better though. i don't go allot of places just cause i'm scared to get stuck in the middle of no where by myself. wich like a dumb ass i did today. i'll be posting those pics here in a little bit.

blimpman 02-04-2007 07:59 PM

Riding with a buddy is great and ALOT safer. I will ride the street alone but offroad I wait for company. Fortunately I have a few buddies that love to ride. Looking forward to warmer weather. 4 deg outside now.

FMYStreetRacer 02-04-2007 08:19 PM

4 deg...ouch.

all my friends have 4 wheelers. wheelers are good down here cause there's allot of sugar sand but it's so populated you can ride much without having t load up to go to the next spot. the enduro part of the bike is the shit. i love being able to drive to the spot i want to ride at. still want a bigger motor though.

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