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idcountryboy1 04-10-2008 11:45 PM

ahhh i need help with my chain
holy crap i broke the chain cuase i am one of the guys that rides his bike to hard and i have no knowledge on chains can you please help i have a db27

ChiGongJitsu 04-11-2008 02:59 PM

what specifically do you need help with?

culcune 04-11-2008 03:45 PM

They don't cost too much for replacements at the local shop. Make sure you get a new master link for it, too. You should just take the old one in to get the correct size links, and I would guess its model number is 428

katoranger 04-11-2008 04:13 PM

You chain will either be a 428 or a 520 since you have the 250cc.

Make sure it isn't too tight. You can buy chains at most motorcycle shops and master links.


TeamCheap 04-11-2008 05:38 PM

So it just broke.....can you see the masterlink on the chain or did it come apart at the masterlink.
If you just lost the master link then just go buy one or if you dont really care about the bike just go buy a master link and run it till it breaks again.

If the chain is worn out then so are the sprockets and they will need to be replaced as well.

if you simply broke the chain and the sprockets are still like new then just buy a correct size chain of better quality and install it.

I myself would almost NEVER just replace a chain alone unless there was a reason for it to have failed, usually(most always) you have do the chain and sprockets as a set or else the worn sprockets will start to mess up the new chain.

I personally think there is more wrong with the bike but then again I cant actually look at it to tell for sure. :lol:

idcountryboy1 04-11-2008 07:58 PM

it broke at the master link and i know it is a 428 but i need the link number how many cause i want o buy it online and do i need any tools or anything to fix it

idcountryboy1 04-11-2008 08:04 PM

also i didnt know when i first got my bike i had to oli it so it is dry i am going to buy a whole new sprket and chain but where do i do that

kelly5150 04-12-2008 04:39 AM

I like Potatoes
I like Potatoes from Idaho, they are good.

Chains on the other hand ? I stear away from them on my 250 , I use rubber bands now , they are safer .. You may have better luck with a fan belt or large rubber band on your bike, they don't require maintanance and that seams to be the issue here with your bike .


TeamCheap 04-12-2008 08:48 AM

Can you post a picture of you chain and sprockets.

you will have to do just like everyone else has to do, you will need to find then contact a dealer that stocks your parts and buy them.
You will need some tools like a simple pair of pliers to slip the master link clip on, sockets and wrenches.
Some sockets to remove the chain cover on the engine to get to the counter sprocket to replace it.
And now for the real tough one the rear sprocket, you will need to put the bike up on a secure stand and remove the rear wheel to be able to remove the rear sprocket.

I'd start with the rear tire and get that set then go to the front counter sprocket and get that set then I'd slide the tire all the way to the front of the adjuster slots on the swingarm and put the new chain on and cut it to length.(make sure you have the right amount of free play-CRITICAL)
Oh I forget to mention you will most likely have to cut the chain to the correct length.

So yes tools (and time) will be needed and all this could have been put off for a very long time with just a can of chain lube and regular maintenance.

I like toast, french toast.
:lol: :lol: kelly5150 :lol: :lol:

I mostly use "wishful thinking" and when that fails I use my "magic chant of cuss words" which is the only tool I always seem to find in my tool box.

kelly5150 04-12-2008 09:11 AM

If you still have the chain
If you still have your chain that broke or fell off , it will be that size minus your Master Link , Master link face , Master link clip .
Do yourself a favor and buy all the tools required for the job , chain breaker , etc , or your going to really have a hard time doing this job .
Any motorcyle shop carries this stuff or they can do it for you .
I have yet to break a chain in 40 years of riding, but I am good to my bikes and chains and sprockets . My Dad beat that into my head early .
That's why my head still hurts today ! :lol:

French Toast , TeamCheap, now that sounds yummi before heading out to the shop this morning to wrench on my bikes . I actually don't really like Potatoes that much, I was just giving junior a hard time . Sorry I am an a-holeo . I really do like French Toast though !!!!!! Go French Toast ! Go TeamCheap !!!!

Later , Kelly5150

idcountryboy1 04-12-2008 12:22 PM

ok well i am so lost i am going to freak out i am goign to buy a chain breaker and i have all the other tools but i need to post a pic so i am going to get on that

TeamCheap 04-12-2008 12:28 PM

if I was closer I might have ridden over and lended a hand but michigan to idaho is a long haul.

Maintenance is almost always several times easier than repairing.

idcountryboy1 04-12-2008 12:33 PM

thanks for telling me now chuck norris :D

idcountryboy1 04-12-2008 12:35 PM

here are the pics

culcune 04-12-2008 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by TeamCheap
I like toast, french toast.
:lol: :lol: kelly5150 :lol: :lol:

Isn't it freedom toast, LOL

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