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culcune 01-23-2007 09:08 PM

Itallika is a Chinese brand re-badged for Mexico
I forget the member from Canada who is in southern Mexico teaching English who owns an Itallika "sport" bike mentioned that Itallika is sold by one of the biggest Mexican retailers. I see their scooters all the time when I cross the border to buy cheap booze and cigarettes.

mdsuave13 03-02-2007 03:06 PM

what is arizona like? i have always wanted to go there, to me it seems like it would be a blast to live in the desert/mountains...

i think the thing that always stopped me was the snakes and scorpions....

culcune 03-02-2007 09:30 PM

Arizona is visit. The problem here is that there is an undercurrent of the "free market" system going on; in other words, take what I am offering in pay (usually not enough to live besides just getting by) or I will hire someone else. (There usually aren't others, and the "boss" will lower the standards to hire from the bottom of the barrell. In other words, the free market system really doesn't work well at all as evidenced by the incredibly poor customer service you will encounter, or the businesses that go broke because the owner did not want to pay decent wages, and the sloppy employees that were hired ran the business to the ground. I find it interesting as a teacher that in the free market system there are not enough teachers to hire, but they give us lip service as to why they can't give raises for those of us stupid enough to sign on for another year. The low pay permeates throughout the entire spectrum where usually high paying jobs are kept artificially low in pay no matter if it is a public job or in the private sector. However, real estate had shot up the last few years, keeping many out of the market--can you picture the catch-22? Unless you have the capital to move/start a business here, or have some good equity elsewhere to cash out and buy a house outright, I would suggest what I am ready to do--move to Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas!! There is money to be made there, unlike this pathetic place. Again, it is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't recommend moving here unless you have a special skill that someone has to pay big bucks for, like a doctor or a broadcast engineer for a television station or radio station.

liverchip 03-02-2007 11:46 PM

Oooo I'm moving to Yuma!


mdsuave13 03-03-2007 01:51 AM

ok, scratch arizona.... haha..

maybe i'll move to hawaii and be an underwater welder... i've always wanted to do that...

ambassador 03-03-2007 10:51 AM

Florida is nice, lotta old people though...It thins out in the summer when all the snowbirds go back north...

blimpman 03-03-2007 11:31 AM

Would you say Yuma is quite different from Tuscon, Phoenix or Flagstaff?

My father lives in Sunrise on the outskirts of Phoenix. I visited there about a year ago and I think the conditions there are a little different than you described. Course , I don't live there either.... Just 10 days of observation.

Akonababe 03-03-2007 01:54 PM

Lots of jobs in hawaii for skilled labor. You should do the underwater welding and enjoy year round riding weather. We even get a little snow on top of Mauna Kea here on the big island.

mdsuave13 03-03-2007 02:30 PM

hmmm, there was a school out in hawaii to get certified for underwater welding, it sounded pretty sweet.. i may have to look into that...

Ferrit 03-03-2007 10:01 PM

There is actually an underwater welding school in VA not too far from you Sauve. Buddy of mine went to it a few years ago. He works about 6 months out of the year and rides the rest. I'll see if I can find the name of the place if you are interested.

mdsuave13 03-03-2007 10:54 PM

MOST definately, i love being a fire marshall/technician, but i would love to do underwater welding in a tropical paradise...

culcune 03-04-2007 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by blimpman
Would you say Yuma is quite different from Tuscon, Phoenix or Flagstaff?

My father lives in Sunrise on the outskirts of Phoenix. I visited there about a year ago and I think the conditions there are a little different than you described. Course , I don't live there either.... Just 10 days of observation.

Yuma's people are just ignorant. The problem with here is that we are isolated by desert, the nearest metropolitan areas being 50 miles west, and those areas are border towns that are very busy with cross-border trade, so they could care less about us, and we are collectively too ignorant to try to promote industrial trade on a large scale through Yuma. I have a feeling that the farmers would feel some sort of jealousy, so they have something to do with it, but the Calexico/El Centro area has lots of agriculture...and trade.

Flagstaff has the advantage of the university, and also has a heavy Native American population/influence, and being located in the mountains gives it a flavor all its own. Worth a look if you like mountain towns that are located about 2 hours from the desert (of Phoenix).

Tucson seems more geared to money making, and it is in a good proximity to Texas, along the 8. I don't know why this seems to offer more to its residents, but it just does. Yes, there are bad parts, but it seems that people there are driving better cars than "Yumans."

Phoenix is actually getting its collective act together, and wages there are showing improvement. The area is growing leaps and bounds which is good for $$ making, but will soon lose its close riding areas.

I would still put my money on Vegas, unless one is prone to losing lots of money that one cannot afford to in the casinos (i.e. compulsive gambler). Phoenix would be my suggestion if you just have to move to Arizona, and Tucson would be a good second place, as far as deserts. Flagstaff is a good alternative to the deserts as far as mountain towns go. Yuma--avoid like the plague unless you happen to want to visit.

blimpman 03-04-2007 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by "culcune
I would still put my money on Vegas, unless one is prone to losing lots of money that one cannot afford to in the casinos (i.e. compulsive gambler). Phoenix would be my suggestion if you just have to move to Arizona, and Tucson would be a good second place, as far as deserts. Flagstaff is a good alternative to the deserts as far as mountain towns go. Yuma--avoid like the plague unless you happen to want to visit.

I have a cousin who has a custom home window business in Vegas. He has been swamped with business for 20 years... Made ALOT of money...

Vegas is still ripe...

Akonababe 03-04-2007 01:44 PM

One thing about welding underwater in hawaii. the water is always in the 70's and the visibility is absolutely wonderful.

mdsuave13 03-04-2007 02:21 PM

ohhhh, i want to soooo bad now. how is the cost of living? are there decent places to live for decent prices?

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