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frostbite 03-21-2007 06:40 AM

Frostbite - political activist
Another hard day on the picket line :)

I'm the guy with the thermos

gyjoe 03-21-2007 09:24 AM

Lemme guess---you're protesting against the way mother nature has been treating you folks up in Canada.

frostbite 03-21-2007 09:55 AM

Nope, they're trying to ban all kids under 14 from riding ATV's. dirt bikes, and sleds. Period.

I suppose we get some nasty weather, but I wouldn't trade it for all the hurricanes, twisters, and earthquakes you guys seem to be get down South.

mdsuave13 03-21-2007 10:55 AM

those your kids frostbite? they are adorable!

it doesnt look like good riding weather out there... at all.

frostbite 03-21-2007 11:04 AM


those your kids frostbite? they are adorable!
Nope, my daughter is a bit too young for protesting yet (14 months).

I was there so when she does hit 4-5 years we won't get arrested for riding.

mdsuave13 03-21-2007 11:07 AM

yea, its strange how some laws come about.. i was in deleware this morning working, i saw a cop and went to put my seatbelt on (i dont wear it hardly ever.. i know its stupid...)

well then i thought to myself.. well they dont have a helmet law, so why would they have a seatbelt law? (logical thinking i would think?)

well turns out they do have a seatbelt law, i got a warning on this, but still.. makes no sense why you dont have to wear a helmet, but you have to wear a seatbelt inside of a cage? ....

pumpkin 03-21-2007 11:10 AM

now she's adorable.
those were the days. mine is now 7 (& i better not forget) & 1/2 .ahh the memories. enjoy her while you can

TheOtherRide 03-21-2007 11:32 AM

Cute kiddo, and good for you. I grew up on a farm, and ATV's weren't for fun (well, not all the time!), they were for changing irrigation pipe & moving cows. A necessity!

So now they want to take away a fun, family-oriented, non-drug, non-alcohol activity for the kids! I don't know much about the laws in Canada, but geez. I'd rather have the kid know how to run an ATV, rather than sneak a ride while I was gone. I'm guessing someone got their knickers in a bunch because a kid got killed while riding?

Hey wait, is this regarding riding or driving?

mdsuave13 03-21-2007 01:30 PM

its regarding riding atv's motorcycles and dirtbikes.. what are they going to outlaw next? power wheels? i can see some kid killing himself on one of those trying to pull a travis pastrana backflip or something....

you can't save everyone.. only the strongest of the species survive.. if we dont let the stupid people weed out themselves, how else will we control population?

TheOtherRide 03-21-2007 02:22 PM

'Riding' can be interpreted a couple different ways, either as a passenger or the driver. Do they want to COMPLETELY outlaw kids being on ATV's, even as passengers?

frostbite 03-21-2007 02:34 PM


Do they want to COMPLETELY outlaw kids being on ATV's, even as passengers?
Technically speaking, passengers are already banned on a vehicle designed for a single rider. This ban is to prevent kids under 14 from operating anything other than a bicycle, even if its age appropriate.

If this passes no 50cc scoot for my little Sidney. Grrr

TheOtherRide 03-21-2007 02:47 PM

I get a big "DUH!" for not checking out your link before asking stupid questions. We're considering a little ATV for my 6yo stepdaughter (we'll see how Viva is with my bike!)--how cool for us all to go riding together.

Good luck, frostbite, in keeping such an ignorant rule from being passed!

Frostbite said: I was there so when she does hit 4-5 years we won't get arrested for riding.

I just realized you didn't say 'so she COULD go riding'!! NICE!

ambassador 03-21-2007 03:29 PM

Even though I don't live in Canada, I signed the petition and E-mailed the link to everyone I know... That is just a stupid proposal and I can't believe they would even come up with something like that... Good luck brother...

NewEnglandTrails 03-21-2007 05:16 PM

Way to go... Frostbite.... Glad to see someone sticking up for their rights!!

Surely, the big ATV makers should be throwing a few bucks.. at this legislation. Have they made an appearance on this issue?

I also followed Ambassodors lead on signing the petition.... its the least I could do..


frostbite 03-21-2007 05:38 PM


Surely, the big ATV makers should be throwing a few bucks.. at this legislation. Have they made an appearance on this issue?
If they have, it isn't public knowledge.

Thanks for the signatures people. Every bit helps. We have a week before it becomes law.

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