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Louis Angel 06-24-2015 03:37 PM

Dropped TWICE in the same day!!!!
I have been riding off & on since I was 9.
I have wrecked many times, 99% of the time was while off roading so that was to be expected.
But never, ever, never ever once have I ever dropped / lost control
of a bike at crawling speed before. Till I got this 623 lb (after all the extras added) V-Star Cruiser !!!!
Yesterday, pulled into the bank parking lot, backing into a parking spot and my left foot lost grip, , , , , BLAM! On the ground it went. Cracked left mirror and skinned up handlebar end cap and left saddle bag just a tiny bit. How embarrassing!!!!!! It was at this point I learned I can NOT pick it back up alone! Thankfully another biker (driving his pickup truck) seen the fail and pulled in and the two of us stood it back up. Only my pride was hurt as far as my own body.
THEN, , , , not 30 min latter, pulled into my own frigg'n driveway and lost it AGAIN!!!! Started to lean over on me and this time I was at a dead stop and simply lacked the strength to hold it up on an odd angle incline. --- kind of hard to explain, but to help visualize: the bike was pointed at a 45 degree angle to the 5ish % incline of the driveway. -- I will snap a pic of the driveway and post latter to show what I mean. So, over she went again. both me and my neighbor could not stand it up, so a "phone a friend" was called in and took 3 of us now with the greatest of ease to stand it back up. :ohno:

Louis Angel 06-24-2015 03:39 PM

this may be the wrong place to post this, not real sure. Sorry if it is in wrong section. ---- Louis

ripcuda 06-24-2015 03:50 PM

Yeah... it happens. I dropped my old KLR650 on it's side... on top of me once in a parking lot. I was dismounting and not squeezing the front brake like you should. The bike rolled a tad forward popping up the kickstand while my leg was swinging. The ole mule just laid right down on top of my left leg taking me down with it. It was pretty embarrassing to say the least. I pryed out from under it and muscled it upright with all the adrenaline and embarrassment flowing through me. Man are they heavy when they are down!

Hope you and your bike are okay.


cheesy 06-24-2015 04:15 PM

You are a kindred spirit in that respect.

I had the sidestand fold up on the Maggot last year when parked on a shoulder. Broke the fall with my left leg and shoulder. Riding buddy helped me lift because I tore my hamstring muscle on the way down and was in a bit o' pain.

If you drop your bike while parking and are alone, give this a shot.

Adjuster 06-24-2015 06:26 PM

I remember as a kid watching C.H.I.P.S. in the 1970's there was an episode where they demonstrated the proper way to pick up one of their Highway Patrol motorcycles. It had to do with turning the handlebars to full lock in the direction you were lifting and then the bike lifted right up.

I like the method posted above better. Check this lady out.


Louis Angel 06-24-2015 08:02 PM

WOW! Thanks for the videos! So NOT how I was trying to pick the heavy bastard up!!!! LOL Hopefully there will NOR be a next time, but, if there is, , , maybe that will work.

Carangajeira 06-24-2015 10:04 PM

Know the feeling! Back in '82 on a Honda CB650 (think it sold as Black Hawk in the US) approaching a roundabout (something else I don't think you have many of over there!!) I hit a patch of black ice at about 20 mph. Bike and I parted company and the sound of my crash helmet grinding along the tarmac was accompanied by crunching sounds from the bike! When I finally stopped sliding (ice, remember?) I saw the bike was blocking traffic and went to pick it up - adrenaline still pumping so I had it back up and off the road before the 2 approaching motorists arrived!
Fortunately the damage was almost entirely cosmetic (after straightening the brake pedal and gearchange rode it away!), but cost the insurance company more than the original price to repair! I had a few scrapes and bruises, but nothing serious. I was wearing an open face helmet and lightweight gear, as where I worked didn't have decent storage for full kit, so my injuries were worse than they should have been - but it did bring home the value of the skid-lid as it would have been my face on the tarmac otherwise!

pete 06-25-2015 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Louis Angel (Post 187637)
I have been riding off & on since I was 9.
I have wrecked many times, 99% of the time was while off roading so that was to be expected.
But never, ever, never ever once have I ever dropped / lost control
of a bike at crawling speed before. Till I got this 623 lb (after all the extras added) V-Star Cruiser !!!!
Yesterday, pulled into the bank parking lot, backing into a parking spot and my left foot lost grip, , , , , BLAM! On the ground it went. Cracked left mirror and skinned up handlebar end cap and left saddle bag just a tiny bit. How embarrassing!!!!!! It was at this point I learned I can NOT pick it back up alone! Thankfully another biker (driving his pickup truck) seen the fail and pulled in and the two of us stood it back up. Only my pride was hurt as far as my own body.
THEN, , , , not 30 min latter, pulled into my own frigg'n driveway and lost it AGAIN!!!! Started to lean over on me and this time I was at a dead stop and simply lacked the strength to hold it up on an odd angle incline. --- kind of hard to explain, but to help visualize: the bike was pointed at a 45 degree angle to the 5ish % incline of the driveway. -- I will snap a pic of the driveway and post latter to show what I mean. So, over she went again. both me and my neighbor could not stand it up, so a "phone a friend" was called in and took 3 of us now with the greatest of ease to stand it back up. :ohno:

3 people.... sorry but that is funny....
The stuff youtube vids are made of....
623 lbs drvided by 2.2 = 283kgs.... you have
yerself a over 1/4 tonne bike there...


jct842 06-25-2015 02:40 AM

Saw a utube 3 - 4 years ago with a 100lb blond pickup a goldwing using same technique.

Then she put it up on the centerstand!

Louis Angel 06-25-2015 02:27 PM

Yeah, I kind of felt like a dumb arse after watching the videos.
Part of why it took 3 of us when at the house is due to the slope of the driveway it was like trying to lift it uphill. That + me already being weak from the previous lift just 30ish min prior to that. LOL
And my neighbor is an old man.

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