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Bob Kelly 04-10-2022 01:13 PM

A Readable Wiring diagram for RX4
I emailed CSC and asked if they had a wiring diagram for the RX4 that was not in chinese and they sent me this.... MUCH BETTER !!!!
( well it is attached ! WTF ?)
well this is what I got ...
Your file of 786.3 KB bytes exceeds the forum's limit of 19.5 KB for this filetype.
so if you want the wiring diagram post your email address and I'll send it to you..... ( that's silly!)


Bob Kelly 05-02-2022 02:26 AM

ADMIN.... WHY is the file size so small on this forum ? I've tried several times to post pictures and a file and every time I am blocked because the file size is too big....
the Ninjette forum runs the same software I think and I have no problem posting multiple files at once !
I think you should change the settings so people can actually post something here besides chitchat !

Lukas 05-02-2022 08:38 AM

Boatguy 05-02-2022 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Kelly (Post 376734)
ADMIN.... WHY is the file size so small on this forum ? I've tried several times to post pictures and a file and every time I am blocked because the file size is too big....
the Ninjette forum runs the same software I think and I have no problem posting multiple files at once !
I think you should change the settings so people can actually post something here besides chitchat !

Seriously. When is the admin going to move from the 1990s to the present? It makes the forum a lot harder to use and a lot less fun when you can’t easily attach pictures. It doesn’t cost any money at all to use some storage on the server.

It also destroys the continuity of the forum. When you put something on one of those image hosting sites, it goes away after a while. And then you are left with threads that talk about images that don’t exist anymore. And it’s a mess.

As I used to own a forum, I have volunteered my services to increase this file size if the admin doesn’t know how to do it. But I had not heard anything back from them.

Bruces 05-02-2022 09:00 AM

Can I ask you guys how much it cost you to join the forum ? When you pay the bills you can make the decisions on how it runs .

JerryHawk250 05-02-2022 10:00 AM

I'm only a moderator on the forum but have contacted the Administrator to see if we can fix the photo issues. At one time the photos would automatically resize when uploading. Our previous webhost had gotten hacked ad really screwed things up so we had to fid another web provider which go us back up and running. Hopefully we'll get back to normal. If you are posting from a Windows based desktop you can right click on the picture or multiple pictures and select resize. If resize image doesn't appear in the drop down menu then you will need to download the free app from the Microsoft app store.

I know some forums you can copy and paste or just drag picture into your post. Those forums are usually sponsored by large companies with tons that promote there products. We are a small forum with minimal sponsors that doesn't cost anyone anything to join. You will also notice that this is one of the few forums that is drama free and more helpful than some of the larger forums. This why I joined the forum back in 2016. BTW, I am the only moderator left on the forum and for the most part my job has been easy as this has to m=be the most well behaved and helpful group of people I've ever been a part of. I'm active on a few other forums and by far this is the best one to be a apart of.

Just be patient and we'll get this fixed up.

Boatguy 05-02-2022 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bruces (Post 376739)
Can I ask you guys how much it cost you to join the forum ? When you pay the bills you can make the decisions on how it runs .

Can I ask you if you know how the economics of a Forum work? You have it all wrong. The users are exactly the people who pay the bills. Every time you look at this site, you make ad revenue. There is also an exit strategy someday if the forum grows large. People want to buy these things to integrate into their marketing strategy. Companies that might like to buy this forum eventually include importers of Chinese bikes, importers of Chinese bike parts, tire manufacturers, etc.

See all those ads? Those pay the meager hosting fees. It costs almost nothing to run a forum. Trust me. I have owned them.

The real effort in a forum comes from the moderation team. That’s who puts in the heavy lifting. Jerry’s volunteer work is what makes this place go round.

Bruces 05-02-2022 02:49 PM

i. Certainly don’t know the economics of how a forum works ,but I was raised to not bitch and complain when I got something for free .The owner of this site is the one who paid for it not you ,so he gets to run it how he sees fit .Complaining about a free lunch ,free groceries ,and 6 months rent is bad form and makes you look pretty “classy” .

Bob Kelly 05-02-2022 08:05 PM

Well, I have a real good cure for this never darken the door again ! if I can't post a picture then screw it Yes it's free but it's useless to me !
I thought I would give the powers that be a chance to fix the problem
I ran a site for a long time till I could no longer afford it's $150.00 a month charge...
for the site name and hosting it's not cheap and it takes alot of work to do it right but some don't even bother checking on it..... like this one it seams.... they hand it over to a volunteer and you never see them again.... the volunteer is the hero here ! not the owner so I'll see if he changes it, if not I will leave and never come back !
too bad too... it's the only RX4 forum I know of ! OOOh well !

pyoungbl 05-02-2022 08:38 PM

I have a pdf of the 2020 wiring diagram for the RX4. PM me and I'll be happy to email it out. The 2021 will be slightly different due to stuff like tire pressure monitor.

Peter Y.

China Rider 27 05-03-2022 10:47 AM

Postimage and Imgbb, picture hosting sites work well plus they can be loaded in a separate window and enlarged to show detail. Something that cannot be done with other pictures and I have found that very valuable when looking at small parts or mods or wiring diagrams.

Bob Kelly 06-03-2022 09:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
LOL.... I USED to be computer savvy.... but not any more I came up from MSDOS boys
and I don't run more than one program at a time if I can get away with it ! keeping CPU speed up at maximum is why we have a computer ! load it down with 5 or 6 programs and watch the CPU speed plummet !
I've not tried that windows trick to resize a picture, it's quite possable there is an easy way to do it... I run windows 10 pro. in my new computer and it is a big and fast thing that cost double what my RX4 did ! but learning windows 10 is something
else entirely ! I hate windows ! too many things helping you do too many things when you don't want it to ! but it's what I got !

Bob Kelly 06-03-2022 09:45 PM

well, it posted that one easy , but I think I resized it a while back.... lets try another...

stock sp & Racetech sp..jpg:
Your file of 2.29 MB bytes exceeds the forum's limit of 195.3 KB for this filetype.

well, that says it all....

Bob Kelly 06-05-2022 02:46 AM

ok the .pdf file was too big soooo. I tried to use print screen, paste andthen crop and then save the image.... lets see if that works....

Readable Wiring Diag for 2021RX4.png:
The Dimension limits for this filetype are 620 x 280. We were unable to resize your file so you will need to do so manually and upload it again. Your file is currently 2238 x 1513.

620x280 ???? AURGH !>:(

Bob Kelly 06-05-2022 02:53 AM

I resized it to 1024x768 that is what the last one worked at....

Readable Wiring DiagB for 2021RX4.png:
The Dimension limits for this filetype are 620 x 280. We were unable to resize your file so you will need to do so manually and upload it again. Your file is currently 1024 x 768.

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