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TominMO 03-29-2024 10:05 AM

This idiot is at it again
Here is a review on YT by Yammie Noob, condemning all Chinese bikes sold on Amazon. Once I had determined a while back that he was an idiot, I stopped watching his stuff, but this headline caught my eye and I wanted to see if he has going to be fair. Alas.....

This one is six months old, so I am not sure if it was mentioned by someone earlier. I replied to his video in the Comments.

2LZ 03-29-2024 10:45 AM

He didn't like Royal Enfield's at first either. He reminds me of a young parts guy in a motorcycle dealer who thinks he knows everything. What most of these reviewers don't realize is not everyone is shopping for the same thing, rides the way they do, where they do, or has the same tastes.

Aussie_in_MO 03-29-2024 11:03 AM

Just the intro is enough for me to write this guy off as a complete moron

TominMO 03-29-2024 11:26 AM

I consider him a shill for the Japanese and European manufacturers. Probably cozying up to them to get access, like lots of reporters do. Chinese bikes can be an economic threat to the motorcycle manufacturing establishment. Note how motorcycle mags in the US act as if Chinese bikes don't even exist.

Ironically, CFMoto owns KTM.....

GypsyR 03-29-2024 01:19 PM

You can usually spot the difference in videos where someone is doing them basically for fun or in their spare time versus cranking them out in effort not to have to go out and get an actual job.

bigdano711 03-30-2024 02:03 AM

Haven't you heard? Content Creator is THEE job. Must be how mechanics (or anyone who works with their hands) felt about computer nerds in the 90's. Love the trades, but they are going the way of the dinosaur.

Megadan 03-30-2024 06:26 AM

He started off doing light hearted and funny content poking fun at the biker community and it's various stereotypes. He turned into a person that takes himself too seriously and tries to pass himself off as an expert. Most of his content is just hollow regurgitated talking points that other people have already beat the dead horse with, and he just wants to take his own swing with their opinions.

Bruces 03-30-2024 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by bigdano711 (Post 406255)
Haven't you heard? Content Creator is THEE job. Must be how mechanics (or anyone who works with their hands) felt about computer nerds in the 90's. Love the trades, but they are going the way of the dinosaur.

You are dead wrong on the trades going the way of the dinosaur ,very much in demand , paying huge money ,it couldn’t be a better time for a kid to take up a trade or a veteran to cash in before retirement .

GypsyR 03-30-2024 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by bigdano711 (Post 406255)
Haven't you heard? Content Creator is THEE job. Must be how mechanics (or anyone who works with their hands) felt about computer nerds in the 90's. Love the trades, but they are going the way of the dinosaur.

I don't personally get this. Worked with my hands and been a mechanic my entire adult life. Been a nerd so long my first computer was a Timex-Sinclair 1000.That's just me.

I watch a lot of Youtube. With a wary eye. Was looking at tips on how to install a metal roof. Some folks filmed their entire reroof of their house. I picked one how some things they did contradicted some other things I had seen, including some info from a manufacturer. Then I caught where one guy said something about how well it was going considering how it was their first time ever doing such a thing. There's a lot of stuff like that out there. My favorite is the guy showing how to make generator very quiet. He made a box and put it over his generator. Seriously. Showing that he had a camera, a sound meter, and zero comprehension of how air-cooled gasoline engines work. Yes, commenters called him out.

There's a whole class of Youtube videos which are just blather. People facing the camera and just babbling about anything to get views basically. I don't see them because Youtube tailors itself to what I watch. But I have a grandson addicted to such. To the point that he has a hard time going to sleep unless this junk is running on his tablet. I take a look at what he's watching ever so often (and turn the tablet off after he's asleep) and the mindless drivel blows me away. Apparently there are thousands of people who love to hear themselves talk producing it and obviously multiple thousands of people watching it. And there's obviously money in it. If it weren't for my grandson's apparent addiction I probably wouldn't even be aware such junk videos are a thing.
So there's a formula. Talk about anything you can think of to get views and get money. Repeat. Bad part is that the content doesn't have to be "good", factual, or even actually funny. Just stuff you can get people to watch. I suspect this guy bashing Chinese bikes is pretty much in this category. I bet he has zero mechanical experience or engineering qualifications to be judging anything. Nor is he old enough for me to respect his experience much.

Doesn't matter really. Just me rambling on with some observations.

TominMO 03-30-2024 11:45 AM

I keep from wasting time on YT vids by first doing a kwik check in the Comments section, then watching the last few minutes of the video for a summary. Then if still intrigued I'll watch the video. Rarely will I watch something over 30ish minutes, unless I think it's vital info I need/want to know. Too much else to do.

Megadan 03-30-2024 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Bruces (Post 406258)
You are dead wrong on the trades going the way of the dinosaur ,very much in demand , paying huge money ,it couldn’t be a better time for a kid to take up a trade or a veteran to cash in before retirement .

I suspect he had a little sarcasm going on when he said the trades were dying. As an electro-mechanical technician my pay has doubled since I first bought my first Hawk in 2017.

You are right, however. The trades will never die, and the demand is so high that pay scales have come up to correct the imbalance and to attract people to those jobs. There has been a big influx of younger people into many professions. Diesel/Truck mechanics is one area that was desperate for people and it saw pay rates skyrocket over the last few years. I have seen entry level positions in that field starting at 25 an hour, and offering tuition reimbursement for classes and paid certification testing. There are even shops offering to provide substantial tool budgets just to get people in the door.

I did the youtube thing for a little while, and I even started to build a good following. On paper it sounds great, but the reality is that, to be successful it requires a LOT of work. Many of these younger kids don't see that side of it. It looks easy on the surface, record yourself doing things and upload it. What they never see is that many of the extremely successful channels out there have a whole team of people behind the scenes. They are proper production companies.

bigdano711 03-30-2024 06:14 PM

Kinda sorta being sarcastic about the trades. You HAVE seen the Tesla robot? Couple that tech with AI and it's pretty much game over. The elites will have all the slave labor they ever wanted and consumerism (guilty as charged) will be our downfall. I believe someone somewhere has built a gigantic 3D printer and is printing cars, or huge car parts. Soon, if not already, it will be houses.

I mean, the writing is on the wall, clear as day. They called me a crazy, conspiracy theory kook 20 years ago about 9/11 and the BS WMD's just as I'm sure some will call me a kook today for this forward view because it makes them feel better. How many times do we have to see reality imitate art (Capt Kirk and the "recorder", now cell phone) before we begin to see what's coming? If Tesla made one robot, I see a warehouse full of a million units in the future. Star Wars Clone Wars, anyone?

Have ya'll heard of Malcom's Plasmoid Thunderstorm Generator? I believe it's our first step in the direction of harnessing zero point energy. Check out Lex Fridman's podcast on that if you really want your mind blown.

tpelle 03-30-2024 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by GypsyR (Post 406261)
I don't personally get this. Worked with my hands and been a mechanic my entire adult life. Been a nerd so long my first computer was a Timex-Sinclair 1000.That's just me.

I think I've got 'ya beat, GypsyR. My first computer was an Ohio Scientific Superboard II. (You can tell that it's old because the model numbers are in Roman Numerals!)

Oldenslow 03-31-2024 07:47 AM

Anyone who thinks Chinese bikes are all 100% pure crap is a moron; likewise, anyone who thinks they're the greatest thing since sliced bread.

To paraphrase Sigmund Freud, sometimes a cheap motorcycle is just a cheap motorcycle...

Thumper 03-31-2024 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Oldenslow (Post 406284)
Anyone who thinks Chinese bikes are all 100% pure crap is a moron; likewise, anyone who thinks they're the greatest thing since sliced bread.

To paraphrase Sigmund Freud, sometimes a cheap motorcycle is just a cheap motorcycle...

Hah! Well put.

Before my son finally got a job in cybersecurity (his intended profession), and was submitting dozens of apps and getting ignored, he was storming around complaining that we should "let him" become a youtube creator. And I helped him get a midi keyboard for another distraction. It is still collecting dust, and he has yet to make a single video. ;)

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