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AZ200cc 04-25-2009 09:35 PM

I can't stop working on this thing, It's fun
So I started one today, I got my daughter a Yamaha Breeze and she likes it but hated the color....I did also...A red Yamaha seemed odd. it was so BLAH
So today I tore into the front of it. She helped me wet sand and clean the plastics with degreaser and dish soap. We than took a red scotch pad and proceeded to find every nook and cranny that was still shiny. She picked out the paint scheme and I got the paint. Sprayed on some prep cleaner and Shook the Krylon Fusion like crazy and started inhaling fumes :) it's looking alright so far.

This is it

This is it half tore apart, I wil polish paint and clean everything.

And this is what I have gotten done so far

I could have bought new plastics but they would have been more than I paid for the entire quad 8O I'll post it as I go and hope it looks good when I get done :D

TeamCheap 04-26-2009 02:48 AM

:lol: does she EVER get of the quad :lol: :lol: it must be difficult to work on it with her sitting on it.

Anyway it's looking very good and I'm sure she'll always remember how much fun she had helping dad work on her quad.

Weldangrind 04-26-2009 03:46 AM

Good colour choice for subsequent kid use. My daughter would have insisted on pink. No self-respecting boy would ride it after that.

Qingdao 04-26-2009 11:51 AM

I agree better color for a Yamaha. Red just screams I'M A HONDA.

AZ200cc 04-26-2009 12:17 PM

No doubt TC If she see's a camera she johnny on the spot :lol:
And when I first told her about it she wanted pink and probably bunny stickers on it, Thank god she came to her senses so I can still putt around on it also :lol: No more Honda red....But that is the true color it came stock with, Only made red for a couple months it's actuallypretty rare. Maybe I should have left it alone :lol:

These grips should set it off better

and than I'll get the decals online and it'll be a nice resto.
Thanks guys :D

AZ200cc 04-26-2009 04:43 PM

Well I am going full bore, I want it done today and at this pace it should be......


And after
Primed with a gray first to drown the red and than sprayed on the white

She wanted the fender flares in blue, Not sure how it will look but we'll see

That poor Quad never knew what hit it :lol:

AZ200cc 04-26-2009 07:24 PM

IT"S DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! :D

Now I just need to let the paint cure for a week and it should be ok :D , One downside is anytime it gets scratched the red will come out :roll: ....But itwill look ok for a little while. I like it much better now

Tell me what ya Think fellas, How did we do??? :?: :?: :?: :D

yozalo 04-26-2009 11:15 PM

Wow looks nice.

Qingdao 04-27-2009 12:37 AM

I tip my hat to you. VERY clean good looking.

AZ200cc 04-27-2009 01:56 AM

Thanks guys, I really do appreciate it :D

I like how it turned out and I'm very proud of my lil girl, SHe worked her butt off helping me. We probably washed those plastics four times each..And Scotch Brited every inch we could ge to. My nose hair is blue and white and my back hurts :lol: I just hope the paint sticks when it's completally cured :? 8O :( :lol:

SpudRider 04-27-2009 01:12 PM

Now that looks like a Yamaha! :D Beautiful job, AZ! :)

Spud :)

TeamCheap 04-27-2009 04:20 PM

Yep that does look very good but I have one question:

how'd you get her off it long enough to take those pictures ? :lol: :lol:

AZ200cc 04-27-2009 10:46 PM

Thanks SPUD :D I think Yamaha would be proud :lol:

*TC* I would still be taking pictures of her on it, But she had to go visit her mom :lol: The question is will she ever get off of it again after she see's it all done 8O

I am just joping after all that it lasts a while before the red starts showing through, I have never painted over a color on plastic before....Not sure how well the Fusion works

Weldangrind 04-28-2009 01:27 AM

Great job.

I've heard good things about the Krylon product, so there's hope. Please let us know if you see any flaking or cracking.

I'm glad that you enjoyed the time with your daughter.

AZ200cc 04-28-2009 02:05 AM

Thanks Grind :D
I am not touching it for a week, I am making sure the paint sets up 100%
We will be the true test of fusion paint :lol:

I am glad she and I were able to do this, The entire time she was picking out the colors she would look at my bike....I knew why it came out the way it did :wink: Now we can ride as a team 8)

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