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Jim 11-13-2009 12:05 AM

BC Politics?
Lot's of BC members now, just curious how everyone feels about the way our province is being run?

I think it is a real sad thing that we have a leader who likely would not be in power had he run his campaign honestly. The win also aided by the ever lasting distrust of the only other real option.

When did politicians lose the need for any kind of accountability?

We have so many examples from him, I will admit though I am not an expert and I don't keep an eye on politics all the time, usually because I can be happier if I ignore it.

Some of the things that come to mind when thinking of our leader are
-his driving while impaired conviction while in power as the premiere of this province
-his unconstitutional gag law that was nerfed by our courts
-in a time of recession, and cutbacks to healthcare services, education, and so many other things, wasting the resources (tax payer money) to appeal said unconstitutional gag law
-"a harmonized GST is not something that is contemplated in the B.C. Liberal platform"
-post election sneaking in the hst on the friday of a long weekend
-bc rail / emails?
-promised a MAX $495m defecit ( :roll: )
-BC has worst job loss in Canada
-Lowest minimum wage, high cost of living
-worst child poverty rate in Canada
-fail to deal with striking paramedics, remedied by legislation back to work
-cuts to surgeries for BC patients, while planning to sell surgeries to other provinces
-The "carbon tax" gas tax
-Took B.C.’s economy to second-worst in Canada last year.

And on and on...

I know Campbell likes to play the "remember the ndp" card... But I really think this guy is soiling the name of the BC liberals.

Granted, I know people will disagree with me, and I have already stated I am not an expert, but this is my opinion on the matter as far as I understand it.

Weldangrind 11-13-2009 12:14 AM

Jim, you make some excellent points. Before I comment further, I'll share an observation. In the time that I've been a member of this forum, I haven't seen more than a passing comment regarding politics or religion.

Is this subject matter ok with admin? I'd like to be clear before we go down this road. Another forum that I hang out at has a strict no politics / no religion rule.

Such rules do not apply when a forum member is asking for prayers / positive thoughts / good wishes for someone in need. Also exempt are expressions like "thank the good Lord".

Any comments?

Jim 11-13-2009 12:18 AM

That's a good question, and one I considered myself... A quick check to the rules of the road post indicated no such restrictions... I assume as long as we keep things civil all should be OK, but I'll send a message to Craig to be sure.

frostbite 11-13-2009 07:35 AM

No problem here as long as it stays friendly.

BillR 11-13-2009 08:57 AM

Political discussion is OK
On the politics topic: This is the "miscellaneous" column, so anything goes if we keep it civil. :)
Other forums I'm on have the same set-up.
I'm like Jim in the aspect of "much happier if I ignore" politics. I haven't really seen a politician (including the "good ones") yet that didn't fall into the "same old rut" once they go into office.
I also wonder where personal responsibility went??? Politicians seem to think that "I'm so and so, you can't ticket me for speeding, don't you know who I am??" (Paraphrase of a state senator caught at 90mph on the interstate heading back to his home city after a session.)
Bad thing is, he's still in office and continues to pull these type stunts.
Gripe of the day.

Weldangrind 11-13-2009 11:24 AM

The electoral system is a mess on both sides of the border; it's a shame that we both have a two party system (yeah, I know we have three in Canada, but really).

I remember my dear old Grandma (God rest her soul) explaining her perspective to me. She could remember voting for the party (or the person) that you most approved of, which transitioned to voting for the person you disliked the least, which changed to voting against the person / party you hated the most. Sad.

Thanks for chiming in Frosty. We all need to respect your shop.

TurboT 11-13-2009 03:01 PM

I've developed a large apathy towards politics as I've 'matured' into higher income and family life than I had been when in my early 20's.

I have just found that no matter what party is in power, what changes they decide to make, or what voter group they predominetly serve, it isn't me.

I'm not poor, don't need to use many social services or have any special needs which political parties love to throw around as being helpful. On the flip side, I'm not rich, see very little in the way of any break or 'help' to grow my business or see more profits.

I fall in the middle. If a party lowers taxes, I see very little of it, if they raise them it goes up very little.. it's really a wash for me and I'm starting to just not care.

It's easy to yell and scream about Campbell, but we had a virtual criminal in there before from the other guys, pissing money about and being a genuine ass. He ran his party into oblivion and they still can't recover from it. Campbell is aided by this and the fact nobody like the other gal either. She's just plain annoying.

I think they are all the same, and while we credit ourselves as a democracy, average citizens like myself and many others just don't have any power to fight the special interest groups, the unions and big business. Politics is just a big game.

suprf1y 11-13-2009 05:01 PM


worst child poverty rate in Canada
This is a political term dreamed up by the poverty industry for the purposes of lobbying, and fundraising.

You think you have it bad? Come to Ontario where the thieving liberals are robbing us blind, raising taxes, and banning everything they think is dangerous, or inapropriate.

I actually like Harper. I don't care much for the right wing moral business, but his treatment, and disdain for the media has been a breath of fresh air.

Jim 01-12-2010 09:32 PM

Oh I have heard stories from Ontario... Impounding and crushing cars that have been modified, no passengers on motorcycles under what age? I'm sure the list goes on.

I don't think politics is screwed up only in BC, I think the whole country isn't doing great.

In BC, something like 84% of the population is against the HST, but our mla's who are elected to represent us to our party are too busy being yes men for their all-powerful leader that they do not have any concern for their constituents. It seems to have bit someone in the butt in Delta, but it apparently hasn't concerned any of the other mla's. An ex-premiere attempted to contact the Governor General of Canada as to whether it was constitutionally legal, but was brushed off saying it wasn't of concern to them basically.

Federally, I don't pay much attention, but the way the PM shuts down Parliament so often is a little concerning too.

I recently re-watched The Arrow, and the way the government sent in the military to destroy and confiscate everything, it just doesn't seem like something that should have happened in a free country like Canada. Granted this is a movie and not all fact, and a long time ago.

suprf1y 01-25-2010 10:31 AM


Oh I have heard stories from Ontario... Impounding and crushing cars that have been modified, no passengers on motorcycles under what age? I'm sure the list goes on.
Actually, neither of those things are exist in Ontario.


Federally, I don't pay much attention, but the way the PM shuts down Parliament so often is a little concerning too.
He has done it twice. I don't like the fact that he did it this time, and I'm not really sure why, but look into why he did it the first time.
He was forced into it by the opposition parties, because he was putting an end to government funding to political parties.
An excellent move, IMO, that the opposition blocked.

Jim 01-25-2010 06:48 PM

I thought Ontario was working on banning motorcycle passengers under a certain age?

suprf1y 01-25-2010 08:26 PM


Jim 01-25-2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by suprf1y

And about the other one,

suprf1y 01-26-2010 10:52 AM

There's a big difference between 2 politicians shooting their mouths off, and these things actually happening.

kens 01-28-2010 12:36 PM

I am one who tryes not to talk about politics but I will today..

The Liberals could have been voted out in the last election.The problem is that only 50% of the voting pop voted!!!!!!

So we are partly our own problem.The Lib's will give out taxs breaks to the rich and free money to the low income prior to each election to win.Remeber the big line the year they won......We will get rid of photo radar!!!!! WTF They had a land slide election because the other 50% that never votes went and voted for something so stupid.Granted I done care for the idea of photoradar much, we need to do something to slow cars down in BC that actualy scares driver to slow down.

Next election we need to "vote with a bullet" and we need a leader that get us off our lazy asses to do it.

Worst of all is that Cambell does not care if he's done after the olympics because the damage is done and he looks good for ever, leaving the next party to deal with the after mess.

Ok enough of my rant..thanks for reading

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