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mizke 10-18-2010 12:40 AM

*warning* this thread is a rant
so i put a listing on cl to trade my 2010 model kicker vr 12 dual 4ohm voice coil sub and box for a 10in dual voice coil sub and box. had a guy email me with a pair of precision power dual voice cail 4ohm 1000w 10 inch subs wanting to trade.. so i met with him today and did the trade after testing one of the subs out becuase the 2nd one was not wired up


so i get home, and start rewiring the subs with a thicker guage wire and thats when i get the sick feeling in my stomach.i notice that one of the subs is coming apart. now the epoxy holding that part of it together is failing. so i txt the guy and say hey man to man one of these subs is coming apart.. he txted me back saying ya i know just glue it back together.. so im like wtf dude, why didnt you tell me that to start with last week when you first emailed me. id have called around to places like custom sounds and asked them can it be epoxied back together. if ti could have id have still done the trade.. well he stopped repling to my txts and phone calls..

this guy is severaly stupid, i have his first and last name, email addy, all emails, cell phone number, all txts between me and him, and he told me where his gf works. so if i really wanted to i could involve the cops for him knowingly frauding me.. the kicker sub i traded him was 162 bucks out the door after tax when i bought it brand new.

i dont get why people have to lie and cheat and steal, just be up front and honest with other people. id have still done this deal becuase the subs he had that i now have are 140 online so i got the better deal. but still he kind of messed me over and for what a stupid sub woofer.

now if i go to sell this other sub since i am not using it, i will fix it and i will tell the buyer that hey this has been repaired, i did contact precision power them selves (which i actually did) and they told me what to use and how to fix it.. that way i am not ripping the buyer off.. i just want to know what is so wrong with the world today that people just cant be honest. at least the red neck i bought my quad from was upfront and honest about why it didnt run, and guess what he was wrong about half of it. but i still bought it any way.. ugh it just ticks me off that this guy decided to rip me off, i even asked him 3 times over this weekend "those subs are in working condition right ? " " jsut be honest and up front with me, they are not blown, broken, or anything bad " and every time he said nope they are in mint working condition..

i guess thats why i get for trying to have some faith in the human race that there is still some good in every body..

oh well my sub and box costs 212ish brand new, and these 2 10s costs 260ish brand new.. even tho i have to fix one i still came out ahead.. and i was HONEST ABOUT IT, i was HONEST ABOUT THE PRICE DIFFERENCE WHEN I TOLD HIM THE PRICE DIFFERENCE.. all so that way i wouldnt feel like i ripped him off..

rant over with

FastDoc 10-18-2010 11:58 AM

Bummer. I feel for you.

We all ahve to answer for stuff like this. We can be forgiven, but God still does not appreciate it when people do this sort of thing.

When I sell a bike I tell the new owner EVERYTHING I know about the bike I'm selling, every wrong thing that I'm aware of. It does not seem to hurt the selling price as the honesty has some value to people in and of itself.

I also help them find someone to maintain the bike, or teach them the basics. If its someone I know I will help them fix and maintain things.

Don't lose hope.

In the works of Ronald Reagan, 'Trust, but verify'. :P

mizke 10-18-2010 01:08 PM

i found out the sub can be repaired using super glue its pretty much the same stuff the makers used when they put it together..

it screwed up my amp, so i took the amp to fry's jsut now and told them what happened.. turns out i was in the 1 time instant exchange time period so when they went back to the car audio department to get the same amp i brought them. they came back and said we dont carry that amp anymore.. is this one ok.. a 500w kenwood 2 channel amp.. where as i bought a 340w clarion amp from them.. so i was like yes that will be fine, and even told them. this kenwood amp has more power and is better then the clarion and they said its fine and didnt even ask me to pay the 20 dollar price tag difference between the 2 amps

SpudRider 10-18-2010 08:56 PM

I'm glad things worked out well for you, Mike. :) I am also very disappointed with the unethical behavior of most people. :( I look forward to the Kingdom of God, under the Lord Jesus Christ, where justice, and righteousness will rule forever. :D

Spud :)

mizke 10-18-2010 09:03 PM

you know i left the guy a voice mail in a calm normal tone, saying maybe you missed the damage on that sub idk. but man to man lets make this right.. give me 50 bucks and i will give you the busted sub back and keep the box and the good sub. told him im not pissed off, i just want this to be made right. i gave you a mint condition flawless 150 dollar top of the line kicker competition series 12in sub and you kind of screwed me.. so lets make this right, please give me a call or txt me so we can fix this..

i got a txt 3 hours from him saying f off.. im extremely tempted to turn him into the cops for fraud. at 150 plus 50 for the box thats 200.. thats more then a petty theft charge. petty theft is 50 bucks after that it gets worse. i have every single txt saved, his phone number, his email addy, and every single email in which it states several times him saying the subs are in great working condition..

my uncle is a travis county sheriffs officer and told me to give him the word and he will help me start the process of fillng charges against him

FastDoc 10-18-2010 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by SpudRider
I'm glad things worked out well for you, Mike. :) I am also very disappointed with the unethical behavior of most people. :( I look forward to the Kingdom of God, under the Lord Jesus Christ, where justice, and righteousness will rule forever. :D

Spud :)

Copy that Spud.

As for our sojurn here on Earth, I'd call my uncle the sherrif if I was Mizke.

Weldangrind 10-18-2010 09:43 PM

In the end, you'll do what you believe is best, I'm sure.

In the meantime, please consider that while you weren't treated fairly by the seller, you are able to repair the box without much cost or hassle. On top of that, you were able to upgrade your amp for free! Someone is watching out for you... :D

mizke 10-18-2010 10:06 PM

idk what im going to do, but every time i tell myself to just let it go all i can think. is that most people in my situation do just that.. they let it go, thus it enables people to pull this type of stuff. where as if i take a so called stand and turn him in and press charges against him. maybe next time he will disclose the real condition of what he is selling and not try to scam people.

not to mention i could get my kicker back and it would twice as awsome powered by a 500w amp over the 340 i was giving it.. but my main thing is not letting any one else be ripped off by this guy, he clearly knew its condition, he knew he was going to screw me over on the deal. so why should i just let him walk away free and clear.

i think what im going to do is get my uncle to get me the number of the da office and i will call them and speak with them about this.. i mean this isnt a case of me changing my mind, this is truely a case of he lied and frauded me out of my stuff knowing very well and clear he was giving something defective and sure its considered a small price tag on the subs and stuff, but its the point of being honest and screwing people over that means more to me then the money.

its like people that break into cars or steal cars in my eyes are one of the worset criminals in the world.. a car is not only a lot of money, but the price to own one with oil changes, tires, repairs, in some cases modifications done to the car. people work to hard to afford a car or mod a car for some low life to break in and steal stuff or just steal the car.

the box is okish, its a home made ported box. its the sub that is coming apart.. i will take some pictures tomorrow during the day light and post them up for every one to see. i mean once you guys see the damage you will see how there is no way this guy didnt know it was like that..

AceCombat 10-28-2010 11:54 PM

Oh my god dude how old are you??? Have you ever heard the term buyer beware. In the end it all comes back on you for not looking at the speakers closely. I know it sucks but that's life. Not everyone out in the world craps rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes people are dishonest. If you were to call the cops and whine to them about how you bought a broken speaker from a guy and he told you to f-off when you wanted your money back they would just laugh at you and say take him to court. You think the police are going to bang on this guys door and beat him up to get you back your money WRONG.

Then you go on to call the guy stupid by saying this "this guy is severaly stupid" Do you see the irony there? I sure do.

Sorry to rag on you but all you did was make me laugh at your situation.

SpudRider 10-29-2010 12:27 AM

We should always heed the advice, caveat emptor, when making any purchase. ;) However, I still sympathize with anyone who is cheated. :( I have discovered most people judge others in the manner they see themselves. An honest person, such as Mike, expects others to also behave honestly. Therefore, I understand Mike's surprise, and disappointment, when he discovered someone intentionally lied to him. ;)

Spud :)

FastDoc 10-29-2010 12:31 AM

An honest person, such as Mike, expects others to also behave honestly

That is so true, Brother Spud.

I know I don't like to even lock my doors, I leave my helmet on the bike etc. I have to remind myself not everyone has the same value system.

It amazes me how much a person is willing to risk (i.e. his life) to steal from a law abiding, but potentially armed, citizen. :roll:

mizke 10-29-2010 01:05 AM

i assumed this guy was a honest person cuz he answered all of the many many questions i asked him. but i know that not every body is as honest as i am..

i sold a xbox 360 a few years ago and the guy i sold it to was like me. worried about buying something used from a person and not like a pawn shop where you can bring it back in x amount of time for a refund.. so i told them guy " take it for what its worth, that system is working properly and i have never had a issue with it, but if there is a problem with it when you get home and hook it up. give me a call and i can come check it out " he called and said it worked just fine a few hours after he got home and got some time playing on it.. i called him a week later and asked him if he had any issues and he said nope not a single one its been awsome. thats when i said cool cuz ive held on to your money for the last 7 days just incase.

my point of view on it is that, i dont want to work. i dont think any one really does but, we have to. so when i buy something i dont want it stolen or broken by some one else cuz it means in the end the money was a waste. if he had been honest with me about the other sub being busted like that, and i would have looked it over and seen that it can be fixed id have still traded him. cuz my orignal plan was to do a even trade for a really good 10 or their sub plus some cash for my sub. its the fact that he lied to my face about it.

in a update, i am pressing charges on him just for the simple fact that he out right lied to me about its condition. idk yet what the da is charging him with since the price of the kicker was 149.99 its going to be more then a petty theft charge cuz that ends at 50 bucks. if he admits in the court room that he lied, scammed me, and that his plan was to lie and scam me from the moment he was my cl ad about the trade. i will drop the charges no problem or request that he gets community service and if it can be done a fine not to exceed the value of the kicker or that he makes a "donation" to aids research charity.
some people might see me as being petty for this, but if i just blow it off. he will continue to rip people off in the future. if i blow it off and follow through with it, its like telling him nah its ok to keep scamming people and ripping them off. ya know, if you tell your kid not to stand on the back of the sofa cuz they could fall and get hurt and they will get a spanking the next time you catch them doing. then you do catch them and not follow through with the spanking for it. they will not believe you the next time you say you will get spanked for doing that again.

AceCombat 10-30-2010 06:59 AM

The police will not charge the guy with anything. You have to take him to court. As far as the police are concerned you exchanged money for an item. You accepted the item by giving the guy his money. Therefore the verbal contract was upheld. Now if he had grabbed your cash and ran away with it then they would charge him with petty theft as it's under 500.00. If he was found guilty you would still have to sue him to get your money.

In the end you got screwed. If I were you I would take the loss and use it as a learning experience. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the police department too.

mizke 10-30-2010 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by AceCombat
The police will not charge the guy with anything. You have to take him to court. As far as the police are concerned you exchanged money for an item. You accepted the item by giving the guy his money. Therefore the verbal contract was upheld. Now if he had grabbed your cash and ran away with it then they would charge him with petty theft as it's under 500.00. If he was found guilty you would still have to sue him to get your money.

In the end you got screwed. If I were you I would take the loss and use it as a learning experience. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the police department too.

its called a rant dude, i was pissed off at the situation. i know not every body craps out rainbows as you so nicely put it. but there is no need to be a dick about it.

BrianW 11-01-2010 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by mizke

Originally Posted by AceCombat
The police will not charge the guy with anything. You have to take him to court. As far as the police are concerned you exchanged money for an item. You accepted the item by giving the guy his money. Therefore the verbal contract was upheld. Now if he had grabbed your cash and ran away with it then they would charge him with petty theft as it's under 500.00. If he was found guilty you would still have to sue him to get your money.

In the end you got screwed. If I were you I would take the loss and use it as a learning experience. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of the police department too.

its called a rant dude, i was pissed off at the situation. i know not every body craps out rainbows as you so nicely put it. but there is no need to be a dick about it.

Relax, you two. We're not on ThumperTalk here. If you can't say anyting nice, don't say anything at all.

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