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JimW 03-21-2012 09:41 AM

Shamrock pics
Well, we got there but had to head out early because of approaching t-storms so, I didn't get as many pics as I had hoped. The temps were in the 80s with a nice humid breeze that kept it comfortable. Later the winds got down right terrible which made the ride home interesting. First pic is a short break at a conv store on the way there. My aero, the wife's vstar, and my son in law's vtx. In the pic is my son in law and daughter that has the pph. She's doin great and goes to the gym to work out 3 times a week now days.

Next is the old magnolia gas station just off rt66. It's been changed to a antique store. There was so many peopl it was hard to get a good pic.

Here's mural of shamrock's history.

Here's some pics of one of rt66's iconic figures. The old conoco station and u drop in cafe. I've been by this place many times and still love seeing it.

Check out the gas prices on the pump 8O . Ahh the good old days :D
That's it for now. I'll get more when we go back to ride more of rt66 in Okla. We did manage to find and buy a nice old rt66 road sign and a couple of soft dring banners

Weldangrind 03-21-2012 11:16 AM

That's really cool! I'd love to travel more of Route 66. The original Hot Rod magazine Power Tour started in Michigan, connected with Route 66 and drove all the way to San Bernardino.

FastDoc 03-21-2012 11:24 AM

Wow! That's the real deal right there. Great pics. I love the price on the old fuel pump also. Looks like a lovely day too.

JimW 03-21-2012 12:00 PM

Thanks fellas. My wife and I love rt66 and the history of it. Our kids unfortunatly don't see it the same way. Maybe in time? When, my wife and I rode to palding oh in the mid 80s we hit nearly all the rt66 sights we could between baxter springs ks and springfield ill. It was a trip, I'll never forget. If I had a scanner to scan the old pics, I'd share em with ya. I've been from amarillo tx to san bern ca in a car before the existance of I40 many times. Hopefull will get to ride whats left of it in the next year or two.

My only complaint being in shamrock is it seems now days that every celebration a town has turns into a bike rally. There were bikes by the hundreds crowded around every bar in town. There's no doubt in my mind in a few years it'll become a full fledged rally with undesirables. To some, I might give off the appearance of being a guy that hangs around that crap but, I'm happy to say, I'm not.

SpudRider 03-22-2012 12:47 AM

Thanks for posting the great photos, Jim! :D I also remember the days of $0.30/gallon gasoline. I wish those days were still here. :(

Spud :)

JimW 03-22-2012 08:08 AM

Me too, spud. The cheapest, I can remeber is .19 An uncle was taking me on a fishing trip and was complaining to the station owner how he was ripping him off :lol:

dmmcd 03-22-2012 09:04 AM

Cool photos. I like the nostalgia associated with this era. My kids love the movie Cars, and it has got me very interested in the history. I would love to travel this area sometime and see the sights. I just worry that it is all turning into tourist attractions, which takes away from the true allure of it.

I am probably considered a youngster here (born in 1980...) but when I was in high school, gas dropped down below $1/gal for a summer. So that's the story I can tell to my kids when they are paying $10/gal in a few years... "Back in my day..." :lol:

JimW 03-22-2012 09:52 AM

Thanks dmmc!If you ever decide to make the run drop me a line. I'm only about 100mi north of the old rt and would be happy to make the run with anyone. It's true, there is alot of tourist attractions on it but most are restored businesses and old buildings. Rt66 originally had alot of tourist attractions on it, most are gone now tho. Most of it has been absorbed by I40 but there are stretches of it a guy can still run on with a few ghost towns scattered along the way. Last september the wife and I rode some of it during a trip to watch our son in law grad from the police academy in ada okla.. My daughter took all the main hiways and the wife and I took back roads and what we could of rt66. We ended up running about 700mi round trip but it was alot of fun seeing the forgotten parts of okla. My advice after that trip whether you're in a cage or on a bike is get off the main roads and interstates. It's amazing what you'll see and the people you meet.

SpudRider 03-22-2012 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by JimW
Me too, spud. The cheapest, I can remeber is .19 An uncle was taking me on a fishing trip and was complaining to the station owner how he was ripping him off :lol:

The worst part of the present situation is the $0.50 the government adds to each gallon in taxes alone! 8O

Spud :evil:

SpudRider 03-22-2012 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by dmmcd
Cool photos. I like the nostalgia associated with this era. My kids love the movie Cars, and it has got me very interested in the history. I would love to travel this area sometime and see the sights. I just worry that it is all turning into tourist attractions, which takes away from the true allure of it.

I am probably considered a youngster here (born in 1980...) but when I was in high school, gas dropped down below $1/gal for a summer. So that's the story I can tell to my kids when they are paying $10/gal in a few years... "Back in my day..." :lol:

We like having young blood around here, DM! ;) I can imagine hearing you talk to your future grandchildren. "Back in the twentieth century..." :lol:

Spud :D

JimW 03-22-2012 03:49 PM

For sure and for certain, spud. .50 a gallon in taxes is crazy high!

For DM. I use to roll my eyes everytime I'd hear my elder relatives talk about the good ole days :roll: . Now, I realize there comes a time we all see the "good ole days". They're just different for each generation

FastDoc 03-22-2012 04:10 PM

Agreed. The 'days' are what you make of them. From a Biblical perspective they are all bad, the world is fallen and cannot be corrected by man. :cry:

On the other hand life is great, and all of our blessings are countless. :D

My ex used to talk about how good the 60's were (ex hippie California girl). 'What part did you like', I'd ask. The Vietnam War, The overt rascism, the riots, the pollution, the Kennedy(s) Assaination? The Cold War?

All days are good. Or bad.

It's the individuals call what he or she makes of them.

My 2 cents. :wink:

JimW 03-22-2012 07:23 PM

Doc, your view is a good point. I was born in 59 so the 60s for me seemed a great time to be a young boy. I can't attest to anyone older but for some, I'm sure it seemed fun at the time.

True days are what we make of them. Looking back, I'd say, I've had more bad than good but the good outwieghed any of the bad ten fold or more. Some people get up in the morning and look out the window and all they see is dreary miserable days. Me if, I wake up and, I'm not on fire it'll be a great day :lol:!!

SpudRider 03-22-2012 11:28 PM

I think the decade of the 1950s was probably the best time the United States has ever seen. However, I might be wrong. ;)

Spud :)

FastDoc 03-22-2012 11:40 PM

Cold War. Korean War. Jim Crow laws.

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