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2LZ 03-02-2011 12:10 PM

Wheels Up!
Just sent Mrs. 2LZ and her dad off to Alaska early this morning! (vacation for me!? 8) ) Unlike myself, they both have that gene that's preprogrammed for adventure and they have this internal Wanderlust that always has them looking to the next horizon.

Her and her dad like to go and volunteer to work the Iditarod, the Skwentna checkpoint, to be exact. Only accessable by skid/pontoon plane or river all year. Myself? I like the minor pleasures in electricity and running water. 8O

This is a very special trip for the both of them, this time. Her dad is now 75+ and this will most likely be his last trip to work it. Plus, the fine folks who have opened their home to host the checkpoint for the last 30 years are calling this their last. Joe and Norma just doesn't have it in them anymore. It's quite an undertaking, to be sure.

Anyway, as news and pics come in, I'll keep you posted for all who may be interested. This is the first year for reliable cell service there, so hopefully it won't be pure 'blackout' like in the past.
Used to be I'd wave as the plane left.....and hopefully hear from them in 2 weeks. A little contact will be nice. :D Helps with the sleep knowing my lovely wife hasn't become a steaming pile of bear scat! 8O

Weldangrind 03-03-2011 12:58 AM

Is this the trip that supplanted the concert?

mizke 03-03-2011 12:30 PM

i love those "little things in life" that you like, but i still wouldnt pass up a trip to go do that. id want to drive up there since i am scared poopless of flying but id get on a plane for that trip

bigheavy150 03-03-2011 01:11 PM

i feel safer in small planes then big ones. so long as weather is equal.

Cessna caravans are awesome machines.

mizke 03-03-2011 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by bigheavy150
i feel safer in small planes then big ones. so long as weather is equal.

Cessna caravans are awesome machines.

i feel better about the thought of flying on a small plane.. if you loose the engine, it still glides a hell of a lot better then a 747 which glides like a rock..

ok but back on topic now, i still coulnt pass on the trip to see that landscape, and i do love my me time. but id give up the me time for that trip.. cant wait to see pictures

2LZ 03-05-2011 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind
Is this the trip that supplanted the concert?

Yes! As a matter of fact, it is, WAG! I'm sure she's having the time of her life though. This time around she text me when they got settled into Anchorage, got checked in for the night and were at the Fancy Moose having a few 'adult beverages' with other 'old faces' from Iditarod's-gone-by. Nice reunion for her! :D Even our favorite musher, Lance Mackey, showed up that night to wish everyone well and to thank all the volunteers for helping it all happen! :D
She then text me the next morning, just before they boarded the little plane to get dropped off in the outback. Haven't heard anything since but I'm sure she's having the time of her life! :D
Nothing's ever to boring when you're married to Mrs. 2LZ. That's a fact. 8O

2LZ 03-05-2011 10:39 PM

Here's a small taste of 2 years ago. Working the same checkpoint, Skwentna.
Mrs 2LZ can't have her Vic Kingpin there but she was more than happy to ride a Polaris! :D

Here she is, dropping straw bags, prepping the river for the mushers to come through and stay with their teams. It's tons of work to set up an 'overnight city', out in the middle of no-where.

Pretty tough to make a wife happier than this.... All that energy and 50 years old! Lord help me! 8O

Weldangrind 03-06-2011 01:25 AM

I got the Polaris reference. :lol:

I love the smile on Mrs. 2LZ; she's obviously having a great time.

lego1970 03-06-2011 11:57 AM

That sounds like a good time.

FastDoc 03-06-2011 02:26 PM

Pretty tough to make a wife happier than this.... All that energy and 50 years old! Lord help me!

You are the luckiest man in the world.

2LZ 03-06-2011 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by FastDoc
You are the luckiest man in the world.

Thanks Doc! I like to think so! :D

For all those who may be interested, here's Joe and Norma. The folks who have opened their home in Skwentna, to the race and all who followed for 3 decades....and folks like my wife and her dad, forever. Dear friends, they are.....
I'm very happy the Iditarod folks did something special for them this year. Mrs 2LZ is with them as we speak and there when this pic was taken.....and was probably feeling quite blessed to be a part of the occassion. Enjoy! :D

2LZ 03-12-2011 10:32 PM

She's back! Made it safe and sound! :D Had a whale of a time and tons of pics! 700 to be exact but she made this photobucket link for the forums we belong to. So....please enjoy. Click on view as a slideshow.
Mind you.....she arrives there a few days before the race come work, set up, clean, cook....and then clean up after the mushers all depart to get the place back to normal.
She loves these galavants....along with her dad....but it's kinda nice to get her home! :D

Weldangrind 03-13-2011 12:40 PM

Kinda nice to get her home? Aren't the plants all dead by now? Married men can't survive too long without their better half. :lol:

Glad she's home safe and sound.

2LZ 03-13-2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind
Kinda nice to get her home? Aren't the plants all dead by now?

You ain't kidding WAG! I totally forgot about all her plant on the back porch for 4 days! 8O Luckily, it's been so cold and damp here, they didn't dry out to badly!
Dodged a bullet on that one! 8)

lego1970 03-13-2011 06:37 PM

Browsed thru some of the pics on photobucket.....very cool.

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