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blimpman 01-03-2007 09:38 AM

Gravel Pit Again
So I am sitting at my house last Sat and I got up to take the trash out. When I went outside, the sun hit my eyes and there was some warmth ( even for NE Ohio in Winter) in the air. I went back in a told my wife... "Going riding..." She is used to this and just said "Have fun" Too cold for her to ride though. The unplanned adventures are the best. I went to the garage and fired up the Lifan. I strapped my tool pouch on the rear rack and took off. Soon as I was on the road I knew where I was headed... the Gravel pit.

It's 28-30 miles to this place but it is one of the very few places to ride any off-road in NE Ohio. While I don't think it is totally legal, there are no "no trespassing" signs ( I have searched) and the entrance road has no gate. Many people have ridden there over the years.
It consists of a few easy trails and some short monster, rutted out, 50-75 ft hill climbs. Several muddy trails and a few big mud puddles that I have not tested to see how deep or gooey they were. I just skirted them. I tore around that place until I was pretty tired. Put 22 KM on the ODO while I was there. Fun day!! This is the same place ImEasy and I went to in October.

On arrival..

These are the hills I was going up and down. Once in the power band and with knobby tires, the Lifan is a pretty tough little hillclimber.

I am gonna have alot of fun on this bike!!

Ferrit 01-03-2007 04:44 PM

I NEED to come up and visit you guys!! What tires do you have on the bike? They look pretty aggressive.

blimpman 01-03-2007 07:17 PM

Kenda K760 Trackmaster II. They are a little soft but they eat mud & dirt. The front tracks the slippery stuff pretty well.


Originally Posted by Ferrit
I NEED to come up and visit you guys!! What tires do you have on the bike? They look pretty aggressive.

cajunkym 01-15-2007 06:59 PM

Blimpman that is a cool bike. I like the plastic. It looks like the riding area is just right for puttering. I would like to ride a wheelie all the way down those embankments. How far have you jumped?

blimpman 01-16-2007 02:09 PM

Re: gravel
First of all.. Thanks for the complement!! It is a great bike. That being said.... It's a trail bike and will only be a trail bike..... It can do wheelies... but mine won't. It can take the jumps, but mine won't... I will however have a great time trail riding all over Ohio, W. Virginia, Pa, Michigan.... And live to ride this bike a long time. 8)

If I wanted to do the jumps and other things.... I'd buy a KLX300 or equiv.


Originally Posted by cajunkym
Blimpman that is a cool bike. I like the plastic. It looks like the riding area is just right for puttering. I would like to ride a wheelie all the way down those embankments. How far have you jumped?

cajunkym 01-16-2007 06:50 PM

Blimpman, How much does your bike weigh? It looks slimmer than my Diamo. I just dump the clutch, and if on pavement the bike will go over, on dirt if it is firm will pick up with leaning. Bike 265 me 165, engine advertised 16-17 hp. I bet you can pull wheelies!

cajunkym 01-16-2007 06:59 PM

Blimpman, I should have read more carefully. I still think your ride looks cooler than mine.

blimpman 01-17-2007 11:21 AM

Re: gravel
It's the rider that makes it cool.... :lol:


Originally Posted by cajunkym
Blimpman, I should have read more carefully. I still think your ride looks cooler than mine.

Roketarider 01-17-2007 12:25 PM

I will have to take some pictures of where I ride.

Maybe its just me, but I can't see your pictures.

John22j 01-17-2007 01:00 PM

Looks like the host bandwidth limit has been exceeded -- check back tomorrow. :wink:

So should we start a thread for pictures of the craziest place you've taken a bike??? I think it's cool how weather conditions change a place -- one time there it could be dry and easy next time muddy and super difficult.

mdsuave13 03-01-2007 05:24 PM

hey blimpman, how much were your tires? did you install them yourself?

they look pretty aggressive, how are they on the pavement?

mdsuave13 03-01-2007 05:25 PM

also, you have to let me know when you are in WV, there are a few people from there on this board, and im from baltimore, i want to do some riding out west from me in WV...

sheadouglas 03-03-2007 12:06 AM

OMG, again those tires just look freakin sick. You must want my wife to divorce me for buying some of those dont you. I already spend to much time with my sh** as it is. And yes, for whomever said it, these bikes can pull up a wheelie. I am currently in 9 months of training to pull off a good one. :o Sooner or later I'll be ridin the front wheel up HIGH!!!!!

mdsuave13 03-03-2007 01:37 AM

you can wheelie any bike, moped etc.. just requires a special touch,

i on the other hand dont really care to do them, unless i ride a bike powerful enough to do it on its own, i dont try to make it happen.. just a wuss i guess. :)

i still love those kendas.. man...

ambassador 03-03-2007 10:46 AM

Bike wheelies just fine.. I can pop the clutch or just gas it to get the front end off the ground, not too much control after that though...Just remember to keep your back brake ready if you get too high, just a tap will bring you right back down to earth...

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