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FastDoc 12-13-2016 01:11 PM

Do we have an 'Official Gripe About Winter Thread' yet?
I've been dormant on the boards for a while so I may have missed it...

Been out on the bicycle and motorcycles until recently when the weather just fell apart.

What a terrible December!

I'm glad to see parts of the US, and maybe a few square feet (meters) of Canada are not in the freezer but it looks like many of us are affected.

What are you all doing? Working in the garage on new creations? Skiing? Snow machines?Going to the gym? Catching up on reading or bookwork? Home projects? Staring out the window praying for summer?

I'm reading more trying to get ahead on my studies in case summer ever happens again and I can take off time to play.

I'm working out in my little home gym and riding the bike on a trainer and on rollers to stay fit. Mostly I'm praying for summer and trying to remain positive.

I'm dating a pretty blonde social worker who is trying to keep me upbeat even indoors.

Forcast calls for another 6" of snow and subzero temps.

God bless you all! Remain happy and busy!

2LZ 12-13-2016 01:36 PM

Hey Doc!
I've just been working....and had some very close friends do this for me a couple weeks ago. I feel very blessed.

Other than that, we got the Christmas décor all up and Mrs. 2LZ is happy that I'm "in the spirit" for a change. I even got involved! I'm usually a horrible Scrooge this time of year. I know that there are differing views on this holiday here but this year, it's all about what the Mrs. wants. Happy wife, happy life, right? ;-)

JerryHawk250 12-13-2016 03:47 PM

Yeah I hate winter. I can't decide to wear my winter shorts or summer shorts. :lmao: high of 81 today. It doesn't really get cold here till January and February. We did get down to low 30's overnight this weekend but warmed up to the mid 50's before noon. I don't know how you guys can take the snow and cold weather. Brrrr makes me cold thinking about it. lol

FastDoc 12-13-2016 04:45 PM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by JerryHawk250 (Post 237916)
Yeah I hate winter. I can't decide to wear my winter shorts or summer shorts. :lmao: high of 81 today. It doesn't really get cold here till January and February. We did get down to low 30's overnight this weekend but warmed up to the mid 50's before noon. I don't know how you guys can take the snow and cold weather. Brrrr makes me cold thinking about it. lol

To answer your question, we survive the winter so that we get to see, enjoy, experience and live an environment like this:

FastDoc 12-13-2016 04:46 PM

It's worth the wait through the current forcast ;-)

FastDoc 12-13-2016 05:03 PM

More Washington pics.

FastDoc 12-13-2016 05:04 PM

3 Attachment(s)
More Washington pictures.

Emerikol 12-13-2016 05:04 PM

It's a balmy 67 here in Charleston, SC right now. Unfortunately, I'm in a rental car miles and miles from my two-wheeled entertainment. I'm stuck here for two days, then off to Tampa! That's going to be even worse because it's going to be in the low to mid 80's down there! Oh well, guess when I get back I'll just have to bundle up and do my best to make up for all the missed riding opportunities while I was away. :tup:

Emerikol 12-13-2016 05:05 PM

Those pictures are absolutely stunning!!

hertz9753 12-13-2016 06:50 PM

FastDoc lives in Skyrim.

cheesy 12-13-2016 06:53 PM

I'm stuck in MinneSNOWta until Friday. It was a balmy -6F this morning with about a -25F windchill. Having spent a good part of my life in Da Nort Woods, it's not too much of a big deal. But, I have a co-worker from Italy with me and it was quite enjoyable to see his reaction to a temp he'd never experienced. Priceless comes to mind. So does bugeyed.

It looks like about the time I get home, another storm is poised to hit. 14" atop the 8" already on the ground if it runs as predicted. I'd take the Urinal out to play in the snow but I don't know if I'll even be able to get it out of the garage.

Once things settle down with the project up here and I can spend more than a weekend at home, plans are to fall off the Fat Bike in the snow, ride the Ural like a snowmobile, and get the garage finally rearranged so I can get the De Soto home in the spring. Maybe even bring the CX home if the roads get cleaned up.

pistolclass 12-13-2016 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by JerryHawk250 (Post 237916)
Yeah I hate winter. I can't decide to wear my winter shorts or summer shorts. :lmao: high of 81 today. It doesn't really get cold here till January and February. We did get down to low 30's overnight this weekend but warmed up to the mid 50's before noon. I don't know how you guys can take the snow and cold weather. Brrrr makes me cold thinking about it. lol

Administrator please kick this guy off our forum. I find this offensive and intolerable.

This daytime high in CT friday will be 23.

hertz9753 12-13-2016 08:05 PM

When you get up to the Nord part of Nord Dakota.

Sullybiker 12-13-2016 08:25 PM

Oh man, tell me about it. I don't expect a huge amount from December here in Western Pennsylvania, but this year the weather has been diabolical.

I try and ride whenever it's possible (no snow or ice on the road) and usually expect problems most of January, but so far December has been utter crap.

I've moaned about it here:

Bruce's 12-13-2016 09:54 PM

Currently there is about a foot of snow on my lawn ,the temp is dropping to -16 tonight ,I have been working on my jeep getting it ready for plow season ,and hopefully Hootch will enjoy riding in it better than my Silverado .

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