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cheesy 03-14-2017 08:16 PM

Well, the S started to HTF this afternoon.

That is all.

Sir kayakalot 03-14-2017 09:53 PM

Well that doesn't sound good. We're ready to listen.

Bruce's 03-14-2017 10:17 PM

if there is anything I can help you with ,just let me know .If there really is shtf DUCK !!!

cheesy 03-14-2017 10:20 PM

Our Accounts Receivable person came back to the shop, around four, to tell me that the CEO and the head of NA Operations showed up unannounced. They went into the our CFOs office and closed the door. AR said that the CFO had that deer in the headlight look. I'm guessing he was not in the loop.

As I rolled into my garage, I got a text from another friend in the Accounting Dept., to please call her. I called and she wanted to know "WTF was going on?" I hated to do it, but I had to play dumb. Which really wasn't a stretch as far as the CFO is concerned. I think most folks up in the front of the building now know something big is happening.

Tomorrow is not going to be much fun.

cheesy 03-14-2017 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bruce's (Post 246893)
if there is anything I can help you with ,just let me know .If there really is shtf DUCK !!!

I shall muddle through.

In my previous life, I used to tell the guys to keep their heads down and keep their gas masks handy when ever management started acting squirrely.

timcosby 03-14-2017 10:48 PM

ive resisted saying anything till now but i would take the stuff that was mine home now! not in a day or two but now first thing you do tomorrow.

cheesy 03-15-2017 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by timcosby (Post 246899)
ive resisted saying anything till now but i would take the stuff that was mine home now! not in a day or two but now first thing you do tomorrow.

There isn't much value to a 30 year old fridge and I expect it will come with me to my new place. Operations at this facility are supposed run until the end of July, so there is no rush to get my stuff out. Besides, I need someplace to keep my Dilly Bars when the Chicago area does it's imitation of south Florida during the last two weeks of July. It is my understanding, though, that this building will go on the real estate market at the end of the workday today.

I've been up since 3:45 with a combination of sinus issues, a sixty one year old bladder, and nerves. And I don't leave for work until 7:00 at the earliest.:doh:

2LZ 03-15-2017 10:16 AM

Man, this is rough cheesy. I hope that things work out for you. I'd been through something similar years back, but I was a hell of a lot younger. Being absorbed is never fun, especially with all the "family" you've worked with for years. See kids of fellow employees grow up, etc..etc... All you can do is hope that you make the cut and soldier on.
Keep us posted.

cheesy 03-15-2017 02:27 PM

Just waiting now for the smoke to clear and some of the tears to stop, or at least slow down.

The CFO was given a choice to either make the move or quit. He opted to quit. That was totally unexpected and I learned that he was indeed out of the loop. So, a coup by the GM who has been promoted to Prez of the US branch.

Kind of surprised by some of the people kept on and those who will be let go. A pretty decent severance package was offered to everybody and a nice retention bonus to those who stay on until the doors are closed on July 31st.

I have my job until I decide to retire and will be working out of my home as of Aug. 1st. They decided to move the calibration stuff to SC, so I silently said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I hate doing those damn things.

katoranger 03-15-2017 03:58 PM

Makes your commute simple. You need that power converter to test things at the home office.

Emerikol 03-15-2017 04:01 PM

Let us know if you need anything, Chief. You guys come through the nasty weather ok?

cheesy 03-15-2017 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Emerikol (Post 247077)
Let us know if you need anything, Chief. You guys come through the nasty weather ok?

Thanks, but I'm good. I came out of this better than I expected. I get to work from home, will be getting a company vehicle, and a small pay increase. I'm also Grandfathered into my bennies.

As far as weather, we didn't get much here. We had maybe four inches on the ground Monday morning, which I promptly cleared off the driveway before heading to work. Monday night, we got another inch and I didn't even bother with it in the morning. It was gone by the time I got home.

Kato-The power supply will be coming with me. I'm the only one who knows how to use it.

This was the first layoff in company history and I think today would have made a fine psychological study. My guys were in a funk and I didn't press them. Dave went pretty much catatonic and Tim was not happy that he wasn't picked to go with. Jason kept bouncing between euphoria and melancholy. My friend in accounting had her position eliminated and went through a day long meltdown. Some shrugged and went on with their day. I sat at a bench and got more done than I have in a long time. Also drank a few gallons of coffee.

The two from headquarters were pretty nervous themselves when they told us what was going to happen. Probably thought that they'd be tarred and feathered.

Sport Rider 03-16-2017 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 247147)
As far as weather, we didn't get much here. We had maybe four inches on the ground Monday morning, which I promptly cleared off the driveway before heading to work. Monday night, we got another inch and I didn't even bother with it in the morning. It was gone by the time I got home.

you DID use the ural to clear the snow, right? :hi:

cheesy 03-16-2017 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sport Rider (Post 247198)
you DID use the ural to clear the snow, right? :hi:

Snowblower on the driveway, Ural through the yard.

cheesy 03-17-2017 06:53 AM

I had issues with Tim yesterday, another reason for yesterdays 100 mile ride after work listed in the Rpoc thread.

Understandably, he's bent about not being considered for the move but his attitude may force him out the door sooner than July 31st. He got mouthy with me and I made him sit his skinny butt in my office and gave him every reason he wasn't picked to go.

In no particular order:

Never on time.

Used more sick days than the rest of the shop combined.

More than once, begged others to take over travel assignments because he didn't want to go. Sometimes didn't even make an effort to make travel plans before asking someone else.

Told several times to get proper winter gear and never did.

Took 'hissy fit days' when called on the carpet.

On the phone arguing with wife/ex-wife/current girl friend(all one and the same)during work hours.

Working on 'lunchtime projects' during work hours.

Bullied Dave(He only did that once and I threatened to kick his ass from one end of the building and back if he ever did it again).

Does not always play well with others. (Scared of me, though)

The nail in the coffin, so to speak, was welding. When talk first started about getting into manufacturing, he was told to look into becoming a certified welder. He has great skills and we would pay for his training. He did absolutely nothing with it.

I told him most of that other stuff would have probably been downplayed if he'd gotten the certificate. Heck, if he'd gotten the certificate, he'd probably be running the new weld shop.

Then I hit him with this. "You plan on starting your own business, would you hire you?" I probably made him madder but at this point I really don't care anymore.

Dave, on the other hand, has accepted it and is doing his job. Just smoking more than he usually does. Jason, I, and a couple of the sales reps have been networking on Daves' behalf and already gotten him some interviews with potential employers.

My friend in Accounting is still hurting and I'm a bit pissed that hers was the only position in the Accounting Dept. that was cut. She said that Wednesday was the highest high and lowest low she ever experienced in one day. She was told her dick of a boss was canned and a few minutes later, so was she. She did agree to hit a bar for a couple of beers after work today with Jason and I.

Starting next week, I'm pretty much out of the shop for the next several weeks. I'll probably be in the office every other Friday just to do paperwork. I think towards the end of April, I'll be spending a lot of time setting up the new place.

Those of you that live in SC, there will be a state wide announcement March 28th, regarding a French railroad equipment manufacturer setting up shop in your state. They'll be hiring.

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