View Full Version : WTF is this bike???
08-01-2008, 10:59 PM
ok so i bought my first bike last week brand-new $1,250
and it came with no owners-manual. the jackass that sold it to me
said it was an american lifan LF200gy-5, well later on through reserch actual lf200gy-2 pix , i discovered it aint that
i was referred here to China Riders for wisdom and knowledge
so i ask : Does anyone know excatly what this bike is ???? (¤t=mab.jpg)
Please help, i really need to order a owner's manual for this thing, seeing as how i have many questions for my first bike
Thank you very much,
any and all info. is appreciated-
08-01-2008, 11:15 PM
It's a gy-2 style but can tell more from pic.Look behind the headlight for a label where the steering shaft goes through the frame.Should have the manufacture name,v.i.n. number and date of manufacture on it.
08-01-2008, 11:38 PM
its definitely a gy200 ,hence it say gy200
not to be rude but yeah i figured that out and the other forums i have posted on, someone always says "hey that a GY200" i know that, anyone that can read the bike can see it says gy 200 (and also supermoto too)
i can and have read the VIN too, i had to insure it and get registration .
but it doesnt say anywhere i can see what the bike is or who makes it,
my only lead to that would be you guyz , so please once again does anyone know what this bike is
it was sold to me as a 2008 lifan lf 200gy-5
08-02-2008, 06:23 AM
Where did you buy it from?
You could contact American lifan and have them run the VIN and see if its one of thiers.
Have you looked the whole bike over for any other stickers, ours have one near the rear on the rear plastic below the seat that has a lot of info.
As far as a manual goes there really isnt one good one for these and the best manual I know of is this site, there is a wealth of info here and lots of people here willing to help.
08-02-2008, 07:15 AM
It is not an American Lifan bike. Wrong headlight and plastics.
It is a GY2 not a GY5 and looks more like the viva brand bikes.
There is usually a sticker on the swingarm giving some more info.
Build date is usually on there.
08-02-2008, 10:20 AM
swing arm ?
talkin to a first time rider here
08-02-2008, 10:28 AM
The swingarm is the U shaped part that holds the rear tire to the frame.
EDIT: yeah we were all first timers at some time and thats OK.
08-02-2008, 03:50 PM
This looks like the same bike....
I saw another similar that said it was a Sunl. I'm not familiar with the brand, but as we know these bikes are all pretty much the same.
08-02-2008, 08:17 PM
yeah that's exactly what my bikes look like except it's blue.
so i'm thinkin it's called a 2007 or 2008 Sunl GY 200 .
but i am unable to find any hardcore evidence w/ my google research
anyone else know what the official company is called ?!? or their webpage
oh yeah i got more pics to help identify mine
and thanx for all y'alls help. I REALLY appreciate it - it's alot more help then the guy who sold it to me.
swingarm shot (¤t=labelb.jpg) (¤t=sideb.jpg) (¤t=frontb.jpg)
08-02-2008, 08:28 PM
right after i posted that lost posting i finally figured it out
it is a SunL SLD-200GY
thanx again for the help guys
(oh yeah is $1,250 a good price to have paid for this bike)
08-02-2008, 09:01 PM
Are planning on tagging it?
08-02-2008, 09:14 PM
Thats a decent price point for that bike I think.
If you were to talk to others who bought that model you would find a spread on the price I'm sure but $1250 would be right in there.
You didnt get ripped off if thats what your wondering.
Just read thru the forums on the various problems common to these chinese bikes and you should end up with a decent, fairly reliable bike.
Most every problem you could have with one of these has already been discussed here somewhere.
08-02-2008, 10:43 PM
Are planning on tagging it?
tagging ?
super newb here,
08-02-2008, 11:07 PM
Are you going to register it for road use ? (plates, insurance, tabs)
08-03-2008, 12:18 AM
its definitely a gy200 ,hence it say gy200
not to be rude but yeah i figured that out and the other forums i have posted on,
We're not the other sites you've posted on. :D We're not rude, we try to be helpful when we can. Infact we are family oriented and try to encourage young riders to join. We watch our language and post with respect. I hope you can get your bike registered and plated if that's what you plan to do. :D
08-03-2008, 01:50 AM
oh yeah , seeing as how i was told it was a lifan , i already registered it, got inspection and insurance
sold my car , and this is now my primary mde of transportation
08-03-2008, 07:31 AM
oh yeah , seeing as how i was told it was a lifan , i already registered it, got inspection and insurance
sold my car , and this is now my primary mde of transportation COOL buy a rain coat.
:lol: :lol: :lol: AHH you think you'll save money on gas but LOCTITE cost a lot and these bikes need it more than fuel.
My bike gets about 65-70MPG(estimated) but I only get about 15-20 miles on LOCTITE(actual) before I need to reLOCTITE. :lol:
:lol: Our bikes say American lifan right on one of the stickers but they are from China lifan thru a different dealer altogether.
But I guess a large amount of China bikes coming over here were going thru American lifan and they made a huge mess of it all.
08-03-2008, 12:12 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: AHH you think you'll save money on gas but LOCTITE cost a lot and these bikes need it more than fuel.
My bike gets about 65-70MPG(estimated) but I only get about 15-20 miles on LOCTITE(actual) before I need to reLOCTITE. :lol:
Funny? :roll: OhhhhhYa!
If I could get my hands on a 5 gal. pail of loctite, I'd buy it. With my bike it's faster if I use a mop. :lol: :lol:
08-03-2008, 01:42 PM
When I worked for a concrete company as one of the states highest paid lubemen :lol: :lol: :lol: I got to work on the automatic lubers that were on the trucks and thinking about it we could use a self LOCTITER system that just keeps pumping out loctite to all the bolts.
08-03-2008, 09:55 PM
Glad you got it figured out.Not always easy to tell from just a pic.A lot of these bikes look the same.I see from your second set of pics that it was made by Tomoto Industries but could have been sold by a couple of different companies under thier own brand.Thats the way some of these Chinese companies do it.Good luck with it and enjoy.
08-04-2008, 12:32 AM
Looks like the same bike I have.
08-04-2008, 01:23 PM
It does look very similar to the Huansong/Viva, and Tomoto is the US importer using the Viva brand name as well.
To some less knowledgeable, or even less honest dealers every Chinese Enduro is considered a "Lifan".
Funny, the sticker says "Supermoto" but it looks like a regular Dual Sport to me. :?
Should be a good bike, though. :wink:
08-04-2008, 10:44 PM (¤t=frontb.jpg)
There should be a long, skinny spring that slips over the bottom screw of your headlight housing (put the screw through the hole of the housing, then slip the spring over the screw, then screw the screw in... simple!). It's holds the housing up and allows you to adjust your light up and down.... trust me, you'll need every lumen that thing puts out!
:lol: :lol: :lol: AHH you think you'll save money on gas but LOCTITE cost a lot and these bikes need it more than fuel.
I know this was sort of sarcasm, but for the record, I haven't put a drop of loctite on my GY6 and no loose screws :D
Back on topic, did you buy the bike new, who was the dealer? You should let A.L. know that they are claiming to be a dealer of theirs.
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