View Full Version : 250s-Different names, look the same!

06-11-2008, 01:16 AM
I'm glad to have found a forum that doesn't just trash China bikes. I have been a faithful member of Thumper Talk, and they have been really good to me. However, you bring up anything Chinese, and they consider it crapola. They have a point, quality and performance is still behind. However, if you know how to turn a wrench and have the least bit of experience, these bikes can be alot of fun!! Not to mention, much cheaper. I've got a China pit bike, Quad, and 250 go cart.
That said, I've ridden CRs, XRs and DRZs. But now I just want something to play on that has a little umph. I've looked at the Viva, Gio, and some other 250s (21 &18 inch wheels)that have a steel perimeter frame. They all look the same--except that one I have seen lately had an aluminum frame. The aluminum frame seemed more stout since the steel frame just looked like stamped steel that has been bent over on the edges- not like tubular steel frames. Is that going to hold up??!!!!
Also, is there one brand that is better than another??
ANother bike that caught my eye was the little DB 200. Probably too small, but it looks pretty well built.
I live in So. Cal, so I'm hoping to find a dealer close by that I can just pick up a bike and save the $$ of shipping.
Any info will be much appreciated by this Newbie!
Thanks :)

06-11-2008, 02:29 AM
Member 'Liverchip' who lives in the Apple Valley area picked up a basic Shineray in the Pomona area from T-motorsports (www.t-motorsports.com) They have a bad rap here from when they were selling Lifan GY-5 enduros via the internet (mail order) but Liverchip drove directly to them and saved on shipping and was able to get the bill of sale and MSO there, on the spot. They are essentially a wholesale to the public bike dealer. I wouldn't rule them out considering you get to look and touch the product in person.

06-11-2008, 08:25 AM
you can also try


they are in Vernon i believe

or in the san diego area try www.powersportsnmore.com

and lets see i think www.scooterdepot.us is'nt to far from Vernon either


06-11-2008, 10:15 AM
Yes, there is T Motorsports. But they only carry the DB 200. There is a place named Express Atvs in Ontario CA., and they carry what looks to be the Viva 250, or whatever it may be labled for $1,200.
Could you please describe the pros and cons of these two different bikes.
Thanks again for your input 8)

06-11-2008, 12:01 PM
I own a db-200. I love it. The perimeter frame held up well to all the jumps and thrashing I have put it through, but I have had to replace bolts and shock linkage pins. Must be a high amount of lead in the bolts 'n pins cause they were VERY soft.


06-11-2008, 09:19 PM
Hey, I talked to J.C. at Express Atvs today. He has a 250 that looks exactly like all the other full sized 250s w/ the anodized aluminum rims, the perimeter aluminum frame, 21/18 inch rims, etc. He says it is actually built by New Star, and the engine is built by a company named Shinfu who builds VW and Subaru motors. I guess anybody can put whatever name they want on any bike. J.C. assured me of the quality and told me to come amnd look at it before I take it home. $1,199. Not Bad!!!

06-11-2008, 10:28 PM
My bike is an NST (NewStar technologies). I wouldn't expect any support from em.

06-12-2008, 09:40 PM
Any other input on the NST 250? What bolts do you need to replace? Does the rest of the bike hold OK. Motor have any torque? Someone said they were loud. Seems nice! :)