View Full Version : 250 Preditor Mods, pics

01-08-2008, 01:40 AM
This is the 4" rubber splash guard I made and installed.
This the Ignition switch fabrication I created and installed into the air ram . It is a Harley handlebar Tach holder in chrome, with rubber insert I made, attatched with alluminum barstock and stainless bolts . Out of the way , hidden to thieves for the msot part and way easy to reach . Nice Mod.
This is the new KX Front Fender installed, new Bars and grips .
This is the annodized gas cap, very nice, and a shot at the new bars and pad, and a good view of the annodized front fork adjuster knobs. Sweet looking huh ? Oh yeh .
This si good shot of the brake lever in red annodizing, replacable and removable, and a good shot of the over-sized alloy footpegs .
Here is a shot of the nice red annodized brake line holder, allot of nice little touches on this bike stock, and a good shot of quality green annodizing on the rims. Note the nice inner-tube caps that came stock, bullet shaped and annodized green, very nice touch.
Here is just a good shot of the whole bike, mean as heck ! And of course one of the other loves of my life besides my Fiance' , the Iron Head Harley 1,100cc of pure class .

Well that hsoudl give you all a good example of wha tthis bike actually looks like and how nice they are . Believe me it looks better in person !

Enjoy, Cheers and Kelly out !

01-08-2008, 01:45 AM
Sorry I type so bad, I should use spellcheck, but I don't .

Cheers, Kelly out !

01-08-2008, 02:36 AM
Where did you get the rubber for the mud guard? I need to slap something like that on my pitbike before the weather gets nice.

01-08-2008, 06:32 AM
All the info is in the Viva 250 Preditor ride update a few subjects ago, look down the coloumn .

Cheers, Kelly

01-08-2008, 08:45 AM
Nice bike. The shock protector looks very good.


01-08-2008, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the praise, and the guard isn't as close to the shock as the photo sudgests. I should have taken a better picture, but you get the idea of what I made at least .
Cheers, Kelly

01-08-2008, 03:33 PM
looks like the flap melts on the pipe...?

01-08-2008, 03:45 PM
it didnt melt...she cut around the pipe so i just looks like it melted...

01-08-2008, 03:46 PM
Yo Warrior ,
that's a big fat negative on the melting part. That stuff is rated for fire not to burn dude , industrial strength stuff. It doesn't touch the pipe anyway, nearly 1/4" of play , picture is misleading I guess. I have ran two tanks of Petrol and no melty, so no worries here. Pipe doesn't get that hot man , just the header gets Red , not the muffler . I know I licked it ! Yeh right.

Cheers, Bike looks clean, because I keep it that way , three solid tanks of premium gas so far and one 104 oct tank too. It pays to WAX your bike before you ever touch dirt or your going to see dirt forwever, not that that is a bad thing mind you. I take care of my crap though .

Later , and praise is always better than doubt , especially when you don't know the facts.

Kelly out ! :D

01-08-2008, 07:56 PM
Yo Dude, I am a guy man, not a SHE . Maybe you just had a type-o ?
Lol !
Hey, my Mom wanted a girl , but I failed her as usual , she got me instead ! Ha ah ha ha .
I get that Kelly name confusion all the time man .

Oh well, Cheers to ya, hope your having a great time with your Bikes man .
God Knows I Am !!!!!
Time to tinker with the DB-27 now. I got some new bars and grips for it today, some Fly Racing Bars in black, and I got some Blue Scott grips, looks pretty good I guess so far . Will post some pics soon too, now that I have become more patient with this Computer stuff and myself .
I sure like the DB-27 . Mine is actually the Shinray issue of the Roketa I suppose, an ALLROAD 200cc . They are all the same Honda motor clone anyway . Cool little bikes . That Viva Preditor is a monster sitting side by side to this DB-27 .

Anyway , cheers, Kelly out