View Full Version : theory test bummer

07-31-2007, 05:50 PM
any veiws on the theory test im well peed off at the moment
can pass the multiple choice every time no problem and i dont have any worrys about the practical test (apart from the price) but the hazard perception part really takes the pss, been hammering it on the discs and just end up tearing my hair out, even tried to get lessons but the dsa is no help "just buy the discs and practice" no one i can find teaches this part, i have been driving on the road for the last 25 yrs and have never had a claim or hit anyone but what they call a hazard is just a part of everyday driving to me i mean since when has a cyclist wearing full hi vis gear positioned correctly in the road and giving signals been a hazard, and what about pedestrians they dont become a hazard until they step into the road wihout looking ( which happens most days on my way to work ) i just do these things automatically i dont even think about them anymore if i see three kids on a flyover with breezeblocks now thats a hazard or some chav doin dohnuts at the traffic lights thats a hazard but not a bleedin postman delivering letters on a bike lol my mate has had his bike licence for years and went to do his car test and oh nice he doesnt have to do hids theory test but cos i drive a car and a 7.5 ton truck i have to take a theory test to get a full bike licence i mean how much damage can i do on a 125 compared to a ford cargo lmao sorry for the hinge but had to get it off my chest its driving me nuts, i shoulda done it years ago when it was just one part but i stopped riding for a while cos i needed a car and couldnt afford both ahh well lifes a bitch eh :)

07-31-2007, 10:28 PM
curious - what country are you in? I've never heard of a "theory" test before; is it just a motorcycle driving test?

07-31-2007, 11:02 PM
In Ontario, Canada, we have to complete a 3 level licensing system called graduated licensing.

First you write a knowledge test on both motorcycles, and general driving knowledge, including sign identification. If you pass that, you get an M1 license. An M1 is valid for 90 days, and must be held for 60 days before you can take the driving test to move up a level. The M1 allows you to ride on roads with speed limits of 80km/h or 50mp/h, and only during day light. After a driving test, which tests several points, lane placement, emergency braking, turning, low speed maneuvers, etc... you graduate to an M2 which you must hold for 22 months (18 if you complete a certified course). The M2 lets you do anything, but you must have a zero blood alcohol level at all times. After 22 months you take another road test, which is much harder, and I have not reached that level yet. If you pass that road test, you get your full M license. The whole process takes two years. Very lame IMHO.

07-31-2007, 11:08 PM
Wow 8O

We should make our teens do that for a drivers license down here... :lol:

08-01-2007, 07:00 AM
curious - what country are you in? I've never heard of a "theory" test before; is it just a motorcycle driving test?

Im in the uk john im hoping to get my test out of the way before they bring in the new european union laws ( whatever they are this time lol ) cos they always make things more complicated and difficult i mean this week some kids cant ride on donkeys any more because of the insurance ( yeah i do mean donkeys as in ass as in beast of burden lol ) so no one ever gets hurt but just incase some mad donkey runs off at 3 mph and kills a kid they actually replaced the children with blow up sheep and giraffes tied to the saddles so they could still have the race :) how bloody ridiculous it is here lol

the test we do is complicated beyond reason for a car licence you do a theory and then a practical
for a motorcycle you have to do a cbt ( compulsory basic training) which is like a test where you ride the bike and do u turns roundabouts etc everything you normally do on the road it takes place on the road with an instructor behind you shouting stuff very confusingly in your ear through a radio ( mine was making comments all the time about other roadusers and look at that idiot over there etc etc etc , gave me a headache lol i just wanted to know where he wanted me to go and what he wanted me to do not his life history lmao

after this i can now ride on the road solo using L plates ( up to 125 cc )
for 2 yrs
but i can do my bike test anytime after i pass my theory test, my theory test consists of part a , multiple choice mechanical safety traffic signs and road markings and general highway code questions you have to get 31 ot of 35 right and then ...

part 2 hazard perception ( see above) which consists of watching 14 videos of some dude driving around in a car with a camera strapped to the bonnet ( hood ) and on each of these is a HAZARD and on one there are TWO HAZARDS it is just knowing where they want you to click the mouse as an experienced driver I click to early ( cos I have seen the hazard coming lol ) or I completely miss the hazard because to me it is just normal every day driving and my brain doesn’t perceive it as a hazard I mean like there are cyclists everywhere and its normal for them to ride on and off the pavements here so if they are on the video just riding along in hi vis gear and not being completely stupid riding with no hands or on the back wheel my mind doesn’t see it as a potential hazard in the same way that I don’t drive to work every day trying to keep an eye on the sky incase a satalite falls from space and lands on my head lol

the difficulty for me is that you have to take these tests at the same time and if you fail 1 part you don’t pass either of them
I am an experienced rider and before they brought the new laws in I used to ride daily but I took a break for about 15 yrs ( from the road at least ) because I was only using the car I have been driving / riding for 25 yrs

After I get the theory test I can do a choice of three full licences
I can either do the one on my bike for a 125 or I can do the one on their bike for a restricted licence ( up to 33 bhp for 2 yrs before I can ride something bigger
Or direct access on their bike ( 600cc) then I can ride anything
The trouble with direct access is you have to hire the bike and cant ride it exept with the instructor behind in radio contact and only for your lessons and the test so its really expensive and can cost up to £600 for 3 days including test
So im opting for the restricted cos I can wait for 2 yrs and im happy enough with 400cc anyways

I don’t have any worrys about he practical test and I can pass all the theory questions every time, but I cannot get my head round the hazard perception videos and they don’t teach you this specifically you just have to buy the dvds and practice but they don’t actually teach you anything

I am a qualified NVQ assessor and trainer ( in broadcasting and recording techniques ) and I have qualifications to asses peoples skills from prior learning and also design training courses and exam courses part of my job is too convert academic courses into training units and to teach people how to pass these and what constitutes evidence of learned skills and to be honest and in a professional capacity the hazard perception test is the biggest load of dog poo I have ever come across and totally useless for training people for the road and the guy that actually drives the car with the camera on should have had his licence revoked at least 8 times during the different video clips
All the rest of the tests I totally agree with and they are useful to anyone but hazard perception TOTAL BOLLOCKS lol 
ah well id better just unlearn everything i know and do it their way its my only chance or just buy the goddam bike i want and put catch me if you can in place of the number plate lol