View Full Version : Pure Dirt
- 200cc Hummer Dirt Bike (Honda CRF Copy) UPDATED! 10-12-06
- a Western Canadian new to Chinese bikes [longer]
- parts availability
- clutch adjustment?
- problem - fuel leak
- rjd-200x sputtering
- sea level setting?
- NGK...a sparkplug is a sparkplug is a sparkplug?
- these are fun bikes! but...suspension question
- exhaust mods?
- front fork leaking oil
- CR85 Rolling Chasis + Lifan 200cc ohc motor....
- farspeedmoto 250cc dirt bike
- My Son's Flywing 100cc
- Parts Diagrams, A must have for Hummer/db-36 owners!
- Anybody had a Hensim (particularly the DB150) - long
- Homier Flywing 150
- Hensim DB 150 experience
- no-clutch shifts?
- tech problem
- Race ready???
- HELP please, jianshe
- is the rjd 200x by roketa full size
- rjd 200x or rdz 200 both roketa
- Anyone know this one?
- Parts suppliers
- differences in the two types of zonsheng motors.
- Gots me a new toy.
- is there high performance after market parts for these bikes
- Looking for lighting.
- Air injection question.
- check out these videos
- Valve adjust.
- DirtBike Television
- Got my registration.
- New photos
- close up of 250cc zongshen dirt bike
- Who makes my motor?
- Air Filter
- couple spokes were loose after winter
- brothers bike doesent get a spark
- Roketa Rds-200 dirt bike
- Green Sticker CA availible.
- egr valve
- Sprocket swap.
- Port and polish
- Loncin 150cc / KTM clone
- need help buying a bike
- Jianshe Flywing MX 100
- DB-36/RDZ200 questions
- What China Dirt Bike To Get?
- New to Me YAMOT PY200 - Parts/Engine
- [url][/url] XB-31A
- will honda parts fit a roketa db 27
- New bars...
- Replacement clutch cable.
- New Baja X250
- Looked At An Orion 250. They Are Way Too Small For An Adult
- Replacement wheel
- knobby tire for MX150
- theory test bummer
- any body know of a counterbalanced engine other than lifan
- Fun on my 250
- parts
- china dirtbike with 18/21" tires and decent rear suspen
- to unhook or not ???
- Anyone done any mods to the vx250pr?
- Riding the sand in El Paso
- 13/54 setup
- Got my new bike! SUNL SLD-210
- air filter
- Break in time
- Has anyone ever heard of these?
- Lets see if the advice for my pics worked
- help please, 9 pin cdi box with electric start wiring
- slightly bent my rims
- who makes my bike?!?!?!
- one more pic
- warm up ride
- New mods.
- Flipped my bike
- Can any one help me find plastic for a 2004 Flywing 150?
- Roketa db-27 specs?
- Who has a 250 dirt bike
- lock tite
- Just bought a DB-27a
- Viva vx250pr kicked aZZ
- guess at motor source?
- VX125 PR rear shock broken
- Hensim 150 starting issue
- Just bought 2007 250 4stroke xmotos dirt bike
- Give the bottom line....
- longer kick starter?
- stomp in to oil case of db-27
- 150or200
- cms predator??
- hensim 150 choke broken
- We took the plunge x 2
- Bike for the Girlfriend, What do the "experts" rec
- bad news
- Apollo AZX-250 pro
- I Want a Cheap Dirtbike! Are Th e Ebay 250's All The Same?
- winter and dirt bike
- New bike on the way
- 15W-40 oils
- Bike stuck in flood , still waiting for shipment
- off topic kinda - exhaust mods
- New bike is here , Viva 250cc
- Viva 250cc pics , I hope
- Carburetor question on this bike please
- I pulled the trigger
- VX250 Preditor Ignition switch
- Viva VX250 first ride review
- Tsunami SX200 review/upgrades
- xb-31 white smoke.
- Apollo AZX 250 pro Oil Strainer screen
- Apollo AZX 250 pro
- Viva 250cc Preditor ride update
- Viva 250 Preditor Ride update mis-print
- DB_200B
- db-27...aftermarket parts?
- Test pic , bike without Mods
- 250 Preditor Mods, pics
- front forks stiff
- Gas caps for the AllRoad DB200 DB-27
- Did some DB-Mods
- DB200 Pics , Mods
- DB forks and rear shock possibilites
- Apollo 250 fuel leak
- DB200 ALLROAD TEST RIDE< Punishment !
- Hummer 250, i really need help, it sits up way too high.
- What Dirt bike would you buy, I need ideas ?
- Bruce , that is one SIKK bike !!!!
- two strokes?
- Big China needed
- Chinese bikes VS. KTM Bikes
- A year with a Lifan LF 100GY
- 2-Stroke inventions on China Bikes
- rear shock for a db-27
- Mono-shock for the DB200A
- Tail pipe muffler for the DB200A
- DB200 Shinray , Muffler pics
- what rim would work on db 200 cc
- new 200cc owner
- Newbie - With Questions! Experts needed!
- What type of oil to use
- China Trials?
- What oil do you recommend to use for a new 200cc DB
- DB200A Carburation
- What To GET???
- New owner, used Shineray 200XYI
- How to help needed! Valve adjustment on Baja x250
- Whats my bike?
- 2002 honda crf450r
- bran roof feel on dirt bike
- aftermarket parts
- Warnning bad seller on ebay
- Hmm is this bad?
- where are we all from
- Tax return bike
- Powersportsmax???
- Top speeds?
- Reinforcing the frame?
- rear shock
- Frames
- Orion/Apollo b ikes
- loncin motor/badboybirtbikes
- Apollo 250 pro wont start
- havent broke down lately
- db-27...
- Jianshe(?) Black Widow XR9 parts?
- db-27 problems
- Redcat DZ-150 any good ?
- DB-27 No Problems
- glowing Exhaust/ backfiring in exhaust Help!!!!
- Left hand case oil leak???
- Looking for information for Baja X250 Parts.
- Need front forks for Baja X250
- ahhh i need help with my chain
- second time out with the 250's
- Hensim 150 help
- contacted hensim
- ngk spark plug...i dont get it
- X-Motos XB-33
- Viva VX250PR Airbox & Filter Mod
- Viva VX250PR Start/Kill Switch Mod
- Experienced guys recommend a 250?
- Oil Leak
- Looking for someone who has this bike
- Anyone seen this bike or know where to get one?
- GY-Shinray observation
- Zongshen DB-200 XT by NST airbox mod
- clutch cable blues
- exploded diagrams
- 2001 Yamoto PY200 MX Bike - FORK OIL
- Where the heck did all the 2 smokes go!?
- 250 water cooled
- Anyone know what this thingy is?
- 250s-Different names, look the same!
- Wierd grinding.
- Orion AZX the Best????
- Redcat DZ-100
- Gaskets
- Cheap bike trailer for one.
- Hensim 150 in need of valve adjustment. Need help!
- Shineray 200XY IV / Roketa DB-27A Exhaust Mod
- Viva 250pr Rear Hub
- baja x250 replacement
- after market parts, cross matching parts etc...
- help finding a dirtbike
- liquid/water Cooled
- what is this cap???
- 110cc valve adjustment
- WTF is this bike???
- Online Parts Ordering
- anybody have this bike??
- X250 questions
- Do I need to re-jet after exhasut mod? If so, how do I?
- No spark Yamoto GY150
- Stripping a Trailrider down
- kickstart stripped
- 2008 GIO X35 - Opinions?
- SSR 125 SemeAuto
- My heart transplant thread
- Identification list for Chinese bikes/motors??
- Baja x250 break in help!
- I need help please!
- AllRoad 200cc Engine Start --> Rev --> Bog Down -->
- Where can I order a front wheel.
- Roketa DB-07 sprocket cross reference help
- Hummer vs. Gio?
- C'mon guys, surely SOMEONE can answer my questions?
- Best 250cc dirt bike
- Best sprocket ratio for offroad riding.
- All-Road 250cc -> Carb Rejet -> Bogging Down -> Shu
- Mikilon 250 Liquid cooled
- How much is a DTF200 worth?
- Atomik Blitz 250cc 2008 leaking forks!
- Now I need a new throttle assembly
- DB-K007 250cc--> No Electric or Kick Start-->Will Push
- DB-K007 --> Snapped Rear Shock Absorber --> What Shock
- XMOTO DB-K007 250cc --> Rear Sprocket Bolts Sheared off ?
- White Water Rafting Arizona
- Lifan 200cc 163FML engine
- Gio 250cc - How to adjust clutch?
- I'm looking for a good MX bike
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